B4A Library [B4X] BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy - Erel    Jan 04, 2023   (28 reactions) This library replaces the previous BLE library.
It is simpler to use and it is more powerful. Its API is based on B4i iBLE library which makes it easy to reuse B4i code.
See the iBLE tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/ble-bluetooth-low-energy-library.46099/#content
Tips & Notes
- B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - CaptKronos (first post)    Jul 14, 2024   (6 reactions) BLE2PeripheralEnhanced2
BLE2PeripheralEnhanced2 is an update to Peter Simpson's BLE2PeripheralEnhanced library, which itself was an update to Erel's BLE2Peripheral library. My main addition is to allow for an arbitrary number of services to be defined. B4A Question BLE2. Transfer stops after sending 600 bytes. - red30    Oct 28, 2021 Screen of the service I'm working with:
P.S. One might think that the matter is in the tablet, but I tried to use this tablet (digma) with another bluetooth module (HC-08) and there the transfer does not stop after 600 bytes and everything works fine. B4A Question BLE2 = Leica Disto and Bosch laser rangefinder - Wolli013    Apr 09, 2024 'Hat man das getan, so empfängt man, sobald man mit dem Laser misst,
'über die "BASIC_MEASUREMENT"-Characteristic mit der
'UUID '{3AB1010D-F831-4395-B29D-570977D5BF94}' ein Byte-Array,
'welches den Messwert enthält,den man sich auslesen kann,
'indem man die ersten 4 Werte des Arrays in umgekehrter R Spanish Intento mostrar una lista de dipositivos bluetooth de forma manual. - josejad (first post)    Sep 24, 2020   (1 reaction) Add the fine location permission in the manifest editor. 2. Request this permission with RuntimePermissions. Otherwise scanning will fail with a message visible in the unfiltered logs. BLE2 is an internal library now. It is included in the IDE. B4A Library BLE2PeripheralEnhanced2 - BLE2Peripheral with multiple services - CaptKronos    Jul 14, 2024   (6 reactions) Ble2PeripheralEnhanced2
Author: CaptKronos
Version: 1.0
Allows to configure the device as a BLE peripheral device. Other central devices can connect to this device.
Only supported by some devices running Android 5+. Make sure to check IsPeripheralSupported property.
Based o B4A Question BLE2 - Erel (first post)    Apr 26, 2020   (1 reaction) If the ServiceUUIDs parameter is not empty it will only list devices that advertise the listed services. B4A Question BLE does not connect - Disconnected event triggered - Erel (first post)    Mar 07, 2023   (1 reaction) BLE3 is based on BLE2. It was created by one of the members. I will update BLE2 at some point. B4A Question B4A -BLE Library - Erel (first post)    Feb 06, 2020   (2 reactions) It is preinstalled with the IDE. Its name is BLE2. https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html B4A Question BLE2 Library additional functions - wes58    Aug 09, 2021   (8 reactions) /**
* Connects to a device with a paired device with the given id.
* AutoConnect - disable/enable auto connect
* BtTransport - AUTO 0, BR_EDR 1, LE 2
public void ConnectToAddress(String DeviceId, boolean AutoConnect, int BtTransport){
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