B4A Question Block Incoming calls - Alex_197    Nov 27, 2020 Hi all.
Is it possible to block incoming calls? My app synchronizes with a server by using OkHTTPUtils2. Let's say I sent a request and waiting for a JobDone event to get a server response.
At the same time an incoming call received. User accepted this this call and now my app get paused and I've n B4A Question killcall no longer works. can anybody help? - bentsvendsen (first post)    Jan 27, 2023 I have an old app where I used the endCall method to block incoming calls. I am trying to use the callScreeningService, and I got the roleManager part working.
I have this part in the manifest and my service is started when I receive an incoming Call:
android:nam B4A Question help needed - how to disable a panel and its elements - ilan (first post)    Sep 26, 2023 don't block incoming calls, this is a bad idea!
you can use the Activity_Pause to store your app stat on a public object (maybe map) :
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
when you return check in Activity_Resume that object and show the dialog if needed. all entered data can also B4i Question Detect a Phone Call - BillMeyer (first post)    Oct 20, 2017   (1 reaction) Good Day Mr Meyer from the other Mr Meyer !!
Unfortunately, what you are asking is not possible. B4I would make this easy to do, but Apple block this as one or other policy that they have dictates that you cannot get the incoming CallerId.
On Android (B4A) I did it with ease, but my project was sh B4A Question Huawei 10 Mate lite and answer incoming call by using up volume button - Janusz Chmiel    Sep 14, 2021 Dear specialists,
I do not see at all and I AM heavily wrestling with a gesture to answer an incoming call on Huawei Mate 10 Lite. By default, a sighted person uses one finger to fast swipe from left to right at The bottom part of The phone glass. But I must use two fingertips because the Android ac B4A Question How to use BlockedNumberContract & BlockedNumberContract.BlockedNumbers ? - palmzac    Mar 02, 2018 Hi,
I want to use these API to handle 'Block incoming-call' in my app. How to do it ? Thanks ! B4A Question Dont show incoming call? - Erel (first post)    Dec 12, 2016 It is difficult to block incoming calls. You can try to start an activity that hides the phone activity. B4i Question Detect if iPhone has caller ID barring on - JackKirk (first post)    Nov 25, 2016 This looks more like code to manage blocking of incoming calls rather than detect whether the phone has caller ID barring turned on for outgoing calls.
However I'd be very interested in what Erel or someone of similar skills makes of it.
@available (iOS 10.0, *)
mean this would only work o B4A Question Blocking calls and sms messages - Erel (first post)    Jan 06, 2015 You can intercept and abort SMS messages on devices running Android 4.3 or below.
There is at least one library that allows you to reject incoming calls. Search the forum. It is not 100% reliable. B4A Question intercept incoming calls - BillMeyer (first post)    Sep 22, 2017 I trust that you only want to create a project to do this on Android ?
On iPhone it will not work - Apple block this function. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |