B4A Code Snippet UDP Broadcast Address - Erel    Jan 29, 2017   (15 reactions)   tags: NICs JavaObject This code uses JavaObject to go over the device network interfaces and find the first UDP broadcast address. This address can be used to send a UDP packet to all devices listening to a specific port. 'Returns the UDP broadcast address. 'Returns an empty string if not available. Sub GetBroadcastAddress As String Dim niIterator As JavaObject niIterator = niIterator.InitializeStatic... Each ia As JavaObject In addresses Dim broadcast As Object = ia.RunMethod("getBroadcast... B4i Question UDP Broadcast crashes after beeing in background - Blueforcer    Aug 15, 2023 My app uses UDP broadcast to find another device.
It works good but i found a crash wich i could... again -> Crash
I reduced the app to the minimum and found that UDPSocket1.SendBroadcast(Packet...
Private xui As XUI
Private BroadcastTimer As Timer
Dim UDPSocket1 As UDPSocket
BroadcastTimer.Initialize("broadcast",1000... B4A Question [Solved] Android blocking receiving UDP broadcast - rtek1000    Nov 20, 2018   (1 reaction) UDP sent via broadcast, the app can send broadcast but not receive.
Android 6 do not receive...)
End If
End Sub
'Returns the UDP broadcast address.
'Returns an empty string if not... B4A Question Get UDP Broadcast crash on B4A - max123    Apr 23, 2020 mode on my Nexus 7 SE. ?
Another question, on B4J and on B4A Debug mode it return, but broadcast IP Address... B4J Question Receive UDP Broadcast - where to start? - DonManfred    Dec 20, 2015 (200ms)
UDP 9 01/sec (1000ms)
The stream is sent to a broadcast address ( on port... capture these broadcasts over UDP to use the data later on a webpage (filtered)... I want use... B4A Question Network lib : UDP broadcast and wifi direct - freedom2000    Apr 9, 2014 acting as a hotspot. The issue is that I cannot broadcast UDP packet to the local network (the PC never sees anything neither a broadcast packet ( nor a regular packet sent by the android to the client adress) I can broadcast to the Android from the PC client, both with a broadcast... broadcasting UDP packets... This solution is technically interesting but suppose that you have an INTEL wifi...Hi, I have recently writen a very simple VB.Net program to link an android to a PC via UDP... B4R Question esp32 does not receive UDP broadcast data - mzelecom    Mar 13, 2021 hi. i use udp in b4a,b4j,b4r and it works fine when set client ip. i can send data to from esp32 and all client windows and android can get all data. but my esp32 not get broadcast data just could get data when i send data to esp32 ip.( i think my modem access point limit esp32 because when change access point it works fine. any idea?... B4A Question UDP Broadcast problem - Kevin    Dec 3, 2012
My LAN broadcast address is
I don't know much about UDP or broadcast. I am... can I essentially broadcast the above to all addresses on my network using a UDP broadcast? Or am I not... B4A Question Receiving UDP Broadcast Packets when phone suspended. - SJQ (first post)    Sep 24, 2019 Hi All,
It's only marginally better on another device. I'm receiving maybe 30% of the broadcast transmission.
Where I receive 99% if I pole the ESP32 for an immediate reply.
As much... Bug? UDP Broadcast b4a - chams (first post)    Nov 15, 2017 It's probably due to the broadcast address (for example I thought that it was a bug, but it seems to be the implementation of the UDP stack on Android that is different than... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |