B4A Tutorial [B4A] [Class] [Calendar] Class wmCalendar - Android calendar manipulation based on DonManfred's explorations - walt61    Apr 19, 2022   (16 reactions) This is a calendar manipulation class based on @DonManfred 's explorations which you can find at https://www.b4x.-with-calendars-using-contentresolver-query-insert-update-delete.100229/.
It contains the following methods:
- AddCalendar: Adds a new Calendar and returns its id, or -1 if no Calendar B4A Question A calendar made easy - PaulMeuris    Sep 23, 2024   (11 reactions) Check out the new version of Calendar notes in message #3 and/or #5!
A period calendar is an option see message #10 and the source code is in message #12
In this new tutorial you can find out how easy it is to make a calendar app.
Once the app is running you can learn more on how to use a s Wish What about creating an Event like a Meeting, Seminar or Webinar for B4X ? - aeric (first post)    Aug 30, 2023   (1 reaction) Yes, I created a new calendar. B4J Tutorial [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Create Professional Looking Vuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano - Mashiane (first post)    Jul 27, 2021   (1 reaction) TIP: VCalendar
The calendar is set into month mode by default, however it has 3 modes, 1. Day, 2. Week and 3. Month. You activate these by selecting the mode on the dropdown (top right)
The calendar in DAY mode.
The calendar in WEEK Mode..
Ta! B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS CalendarExpandable? [Payware] - Alexander Stolte    Dec 07, 2024   (13 reactions) MonthBetween (Date1 As Long, Date2 As Long) As Int
Compute month between 2 dates
Version: 1, ( ) WIP (X) Release
Prior set DateTime.DateFormat
Date1/2: Date formatted DateTime.DateFormat
Return: mont - 0 if same month
NumberOfWeeksBetween (StartDate As Long, EndDate As Long) As Int
Rebuild As B4i Library iAmir_Calendar - alimanam3386    Dec 07, 2018   (7 reactions) Easy way to use :
Dim Calendar As Amir_Calendar
Log(Calendar.Build("2018/12/1")) B4i Question iEventKit - Create the calendar for my app? - Erel (first post)    May 12, 2020   (1 reaction) Usage:
Calendars = GetCalendars 'Calendars is a global Mar
If Calendars.ContainsKey("Test") = False Then
Calendars = GetCalendars
End If
Later when you create an event:
Dim ev As CalendarEvent = store.CreateEvent
ev.Title = "New Event"
Dim no As NativeOb B4A Question Calendar - ronnhdf    Aug 06, 2020 I am looking for a calendar that starts with Monday and also shows the previous month.
Do you have an idea how to implement this?
98174 Share My Creation Calendar with Database - Colin Evans    May 06, 2022   (21 reactions) Many thanks to 'walt61' who pointed me in the correct path many times. And thanks to 'DonManfred' who originally came up with the wmCalendar module, and lots of others who have contributed sample code to the forum, all of whom have helped me along the way, all my coding is done to keep my brain acti B4A Question Gantt Calendar - imbault    Apr 09, 2021   (1 reaction) Hi,
I was wondering if someone has built a Gantt calendar, I mean a calendar with a begin and end event represented by a line of color, we could imagine several events, where each one would have its own color, the calendar could present a full month
Like this example :
Thank you
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