B4A Question fontsize multiple layout - Erel (first post)    May 28, 2015   (1 reaction) Canvas.MeasureStringHeight is based on a lower level API that doesn't behave in the same way that a Label or EditText will behave. StringUtils uses the same measurement process as the views. B4A Code Snippet [B4X] [XUI] Accurate Text Measurement and Drawing - Erel (first post)    May 10, 2018   (2 reactions) Note that it is not possible to accurately draw a border around text, like done in this example, with the standard Canvas.MeasureStringHeight method as it only returns the total height and lacks the height above baseline.
This is a good point. In B4J and B4i you can call this method without initia Bug? Canvas measurestringwidth problem - Nikan99    Apr 28, 2023 So I create a background of every label as much as its text is. That works perfectly.
If beforebtnslength > Activity.Width Then
ycounter = ycounter + 1
beforebtnslength = 0
Else If beforebtnslength + SQLReader.GetString("name").Length*3%x > Activity.Width Then
ycounter = ycounter + 1 B4A Question MeasureStringHeight - Sergey_New    Mar 02, 2024 To set the label height I use this code
Dim cn As Canvas
lbl.Height=cn.MeasureStringHeight("T", Typeface.DEFAULT,14)
To display correctly, the height of the label must be doubled.
Does it depend on the screen settings?
How to do it right? B4A Question Resize Label text with Java Object - klaus (first post)    May 21, 2015   (1 reaction) Unfortunately your code will not work in all cases because Canvas1.MeasureStringHeight returns different values depending on the text.
Canvas1.MeasureStringHeight("a", Typeface.DEFAULT, 16)
Canvas1.MeasureStringHeight("A", Typeface.DEFAULT, 16)
Canvas1.MeasureStringHeight("Aj", Typeface.DEF Spanish Altura de Label y TextField - TILogistic (first post)    Apr 19, 2024 2dip)
Private cvs As Canvas
Return cvs.MeasureStringHeight(Text, Font1.ToNativeFont, Font1.Size)
#Else If B4i
Return Text.MeasureHeight(Font1.ToNativeFont)
#Else If B4J
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.text.Text", Array(Text))
B4A Question Max Text Size - RandomCoder (first post)    May 29, 2015   (2 reactions) Hi @klaus there are no layout parameters. The point I was trying to make was that I was creating the views in code not the designer (see post #1). If the view is wider than it is tall then all works correctly using Canvas.MeasureStringWidth but if the view is taller than it is wide then the text is B4A Question [Solved] StateListDrawable with B4XPages - klaus (first post)    Jul 21, 2024   (3 reactions) Now seeing the code I found the problem. In the Ideal_Text_Size method a Canvas is assigned to the Button, and this new assignment overrides the StateListDrawable definition. If you modify the Ideal_Text_Size method like below, commenting all lines concerned by the Canvas the Buttons behave as expec B4A Question webview in tabhost - PrzemekBoa (first post)    Apr 03, 2019 Canvas.MeasureStringHeight("M", Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, PD.LegendTextSize) For i = 0 To PD.Items.Size - 1 Dim it As PieItem it = PD.Items.Get(i) textWidth = Max(textWidth, PD.Canvas.MeasureStringWidth(it.Name, Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, PD.LegendTextSize)) Next bmp.Ini B4A Question set label height based on its text length - ronell (first post)    May 12, 2018   (1 reaction) why are you using MeasureStringHeight if you want to set label based on its length?
try changing your code to this
itmheight = Canvas1.MeasureStringWidth(msggtext, Typeface.DEFAULT, globalfontsize) Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |