B4J Tutorial [B4X] Faces, Assemblies, Traces, and Points. Standard Classes for creating a story. - William Lancee    Feb 05, 2023   (11 reactions) Let's create a set of structures - each will be implemented as one or more standard classes.
Story: a set of ordered scenes
Scene: a collection of Faces
Face: a collection of Assemblies
Assembly: a collection of Traces
Trace: a set of ordered Points
Point: a pair of ordered Numbers B4J Library [B4X]A cross-platform B4XPages class to display a network of nodes connected by arrows. - William Lancee    Sep 21, 2022   (28 reactions) You may be interested in examining the code in the demo and the class. Remove them if you don't like my solution. H. The 'WiLNetChart' class is dependent on the 'Arrow' class Here The class is included in the demo below. Even with all these features, the class size is only about 450 lines of code. B4J Library [B4X][class] RecordSet: A class that extends the functionality of lists of same length arrays - William Lancee    Aug 25, 2021   (7 reactions) I have included copious comments. Feedback is always welcome.
118266 B4A Class [B4X] Class - clsRndItems - LucaMs    Apr 08, 2022   (13 reactions) A simple class for randomly picking items from a group without repetitions (but also with repetitions, if desired). It works on all platforms (B4A, B4J, B4I), of course. Main methods: Initialize(..., NumOfItems As Int) Creates, by default, a list of numeric items, from 1 to NumOfItems you will pr B4J Question trouble color background with custom view class - William Lancee (first post)    Apr 17, 2020 A Class is not an object, just a specification for an instance. You can refer to that instance within that specification with the keyword Me.
If you want to have different logic for different instances, add a public property (variable) to the class that you can set in the parent module. B4A Tutorial [B4A] [Class] [Calendar] Class wmCalendar - Android calendar manipulation based on DonManfred's explorations - walt61    Apr 19, 2022   (16 reactions) and ReminderInfo are Types that are defined in the class - Events vs. Instances: Instances are individual instances of recurring Events - The Manifest has been edited as well, and RuntimePermissions must be requested - see @DonManfred 's post - General Google information about the Calendar provider Wish Shared class module name - Erel (first post)    Aug 29, 2017 You can't. A class is just a template. You need to create an instance from that template before you can call it. For further discussion please start a new thread in the questions forum. B4J Question How to use a class in a class definition - William Lancee (first post)    Apr 28, 2024   (2 reactions) Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView 'ignore
Private xui As XUI
Private pz As Tuple
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
End Sub
Sub someSub
Dim p0 As Tuple = pz.XY(100, 5)
B4A Example Play Games Services - Example and Class - Jack Cole    Apr 02, 2022   (8 reactions) Last year, I commissioned Biswajit to write a library for the new Google Play Games Services library. To manage the complexity of the code, I wrote a class called . I put together an example app that demonstrates the functionality of the library and class. There is an additional class and code mo B4J Question is it possible to define the class name in source code? - Cableguy (first post)    Sep 09, 2018   (1 reaction) Each class can hold more than one "classes"
I have a class that I call "helper" were I have about 15 individual objects and/or methods, some needing initializing, other not. A class is just a container... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |