B4A Question Connect database in oracle from B4A - jose luis gudino (first post)    Mar 04, 2024 Thanks for the information. I did connect to the database via jRDC and it works perfectly. The idea is to make the connection in the same way as it was done with B4J B4A Question Installing B4A App with MySQL - DonManfred (first post)    Mar 05, 2020   (3 reactions) The suggested method to connect to a Database is:
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-jrdc2-b4j-implementation-of-rdc-remote-database-connector.61801/ B4A Question Connect to Remote Database on 000webhost - josejad (first post)    Feb 29, 2020   (4 reactions) Hi:
What database?
Have you tried some of the methods proposed to connect databases?(jdbcSQL, php, jrdc2)?
Have you tried forum search?
The recommended way of connecting databases is jRDC2, but you need a VPS.
To use dir B4A Question FATAL ERROR In Debug or Release Mode - Erel (first post)    Jan 19, 2022   (1 reaction) There are two options to connect to a remote database: 1. Good - jRDC2 2. Quite bad - JdbcSQL with async methods. B4A Question RDC conector not take database specified in config.properties file - bconline (first post)    Oct 26, 2022 Yes, i can connect by MySql Front.
But it's not is the problem. The jRDC program try connect to database "test", this database is not accesible for anywhere. I wish connect to correct database, in this case, 'enviequipaje_app'. In the EREL tutorial for the jRDC server, indicates that "JdbcUrl" para B4J Question Which method of connecting to the database is optimal? - tchart (first post)    Nov 26, 2024   (1 reaction) #2 but with a connection pool. When you use a pool you open and close the connection immediately and it goes back into the pool. This means there is no delay when reopening a connection.
#1 is fine but limits you to a single connection, this is okay for some apps but not where there are multiple us B4A Question Connect with Oracle database - viraj_Amarasooriya    Dec 15, 2023 Hello all
I am new to B4a .
I want to connect my oracle database to my b4a project. I have use RDC and it is ok to me. But i want connect my Oracle database directly like SQL server. I use the following code but not connect (SQL server connect correctly)
#AdditionalJar: ojdbc14.jar B4A Tutorial Connect Android to MySQL Database Tutorial - Erel    Sep 20, 2018   (29 reactions) A new more powerful framework is now available: jRDC2.
This tutorial explains the basic concepts required for creating a connection between Android device and a remote server. In this case it is a MySQL database.
A tutorial for connecting to SQL Server is available here.
Android cannot connect dir B4A Question Database Connection SQL Server - aeric (first post)    Jul 18, 2023   (1 reaction) Read this
The recommended way is using jRDC2 server. There are other ways such as building an API server. B4A Question How to Connect to MS-SQL Server 2016 in B4A - LBor (first post)    Mar 13, 2020 Hi all friends and thank you for your kind and patient reply and guidance. As you know, in most programming languages, connecting to a database is one of the first and is elementary tasks. This should be the case here as well. I have read and tested all your tips. In the end I realized that the prob Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |