B4A Tutorial [B4A] [Class] [Contacts] wmContactsUtils - enhanced ContactsUtils - walt61    Oct 12, 2021   (14 reactions) the value is the group source ID (you probably shouldn't be using this one, but use GetAllGroupsByRowName instead)
- GetAllContactsThunderbird: Returns all contacts as a list of cuContactDetailsThunderbird items (this is a Type I added which I needed for another project)
- GetContactDetailsThunderbi B4A Library [Lib] Contacts (OPEN SOURCE) - Serjoscha Bald    Aug 26, 2016   (10 reactions) Something to know about the contact classes:
ContactAddress, ContactEmailAddress, ContactEvent, ContactIM, ContactNickname, ContactOrganization, ContactPhoneNumber, ContactRelation, ContactSipAddress and ContactWebsite.
All of these classes has a TYP property. This property will be set to a default B4J Tutorial [Pen & Paper]: Create a simple 'Contacts' ABMaterial WebApp - Part 3 - Mashiane    Dec 20, 2017   (3 reactions) 1.2 On the treeview select the Pages node and expand it.
1.3 Select Add Page and type it contactlist and select ok. This will create a new page called contactlist in our project. Ensure the navigation bar title is 'Contacts', click Apply in the propertybag. The treeview will be reloaded.
1.4 Select B4A Example [B4A] Extended example of ContactsUtils to place shortcuts to contacts on the home screen - wbauer    Nov 01, 2024   (4 reactions) For some time now, it has not been possible to place short links to contacts on the home screen via the Contact Apps. Instead, the selected contact is always placed as a widget. However, since I like to create folders with contacts, this solution using widgets does not work for me. Therefore, I hav B4J Tutorial [Pen & Paper]: Create a simple 'Contacts' ABMaterial WebApp - Part 1 - Mashiane    Dec 23, 2017   (6 reactions) Figure 2
The Contacts table will now have an additional field called FirstName. Add the following fields LastName, Street, StreetNumber, City, Country, ZipCode and Cellphone, all being Text the same way. Now you have a table with some fields in it. For each field, click Add, then specify the B4A Question Contacts search - DonManfred (first post)    Jan 03, 2019   (1 reaction) You can use ContentResolver like i did it here for the Google Calendars.
The Device Contacts can be accessed in the same way.
Find the documentation here.
Speaking about the Calendars example (see above). The constants needed for the Contacts are in the Object "ContactsConstants".
You also can use B4J Tutorial [Pen & Paper]: Create a simple 'Contacts' ABMaterial WebApp - Part 2 - Mashiane (first post)    Dec 13, 2017   (2 reactions) The next part of this tutorial will deal with reading and listing the saved contacts in the app.
Watch this space...;););) B4A Question Contacts - Asynchronous loading - Sergey_New    Dec 06, 2023 If there are a lot of contacts, then receiving them takes quite a long time. Is asynchronous loading possible? B4i Library Contacts Library (iOS 9+) - Haris Hafeez    Feb 07, 2016   (5 reactions) Hi All,
Just had a bit of fun with the Contacts framework in iOS 9 (what better way to spend a Saturday night right?)
I know there's a class out there(it might be better so please check). This was more of me playing around with the contacts framework than anything and testing it out. It seems I ha B4A Question Contact data structure. - Erel (first post)    Feb 15, 2017   (1 reaction) The contacts database is much more complicated. It is not made of 15 fields.
You can see the code that accesses the contacts: ContactsUtils - Provides read / write access to the stored contacts
Maybe you can use the notes field to store additional data.
If you only need the data for your applicat Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |