B4A Question How user can select a file on his phone? - Brian Dean (first post)    Dec 31, 2023   (1 reaction) Look at Content Chooser - it works for folders on the phone too. But be aware that with current Android versions not all folders on the phone are accessible. B4A Question Content Chooser - Mike Parris    Oct 07, 2024 Is there a way for a user to return without selecting a file? Users seem to be able to navigate drives and folders etc but if they change their mind I cannot see a way for them to gracefully exit. B4A Question Content Chooser - Crashes on multiple phones. - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Nov 05, 2020   (1 reaction) add this to the Manifest:
SetApplicationAttribute(android:requestLegacyExternalStorage, true) B4A Question content chooser and SQLite - Mahares (first post)    Feb 02, 2023   (2 reactions) Try this:
application/octet-stream B4A Library [B4X] MediaChooser - cross platform videos and images chooser - Erel    Jul 24, 2024   (27 reactions) This library makes it simple to let the user choose or capture media.
Allows the user to capture videos and still pictures (B4A and B4i only).
Allows the user to pick videos and pictures.
Very easy to use together with SimpleMediaManager.
Detects images mime types. Jpeg and Gifs. B4A Question Content Chooser Help - Brian Dean (first post)    Apr 15, 2023 It looks to me that you want the user to be able to SAVE a file with a chosen filename. If that is the case this link shows you the options available. B4A Question Content Chooser - Running waiting messages - Erel (first post)    Nov 17, 2016   (1 reaction) The result will be lost if the process has been killed while it is in the background. The solution is to call Service.StartForeground before you call ContentChooser.Show.
You can use CallSub to call a method in the starter service and call Service.StartForeground there.
This will prevent the proce B4A Question What is Content Chooser based on? - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 14, 2021   (2 reactions) CC calls a Androidfeature. It is part of the System. Some Manufacturers implement it differently in "their" Androidversion. Italian Content chooser - LucaMs (first post)    Jul 23, 2018   (1 reaction) Private Sub GetPathFromContentResult(UriString As String) As String
If UriString.StartsWith("/") Then Return UriString 'If the user used a file manager to choose the image
Dim Cursor1 As Cursor
Dim Uri1 As Uri
Dim Proj() As String = Array As String("_data")
Dim cr As ContentResolver
B4A Question Copy CSV file from Download folder - drgottjr (first post)    Feb 16, 2022 so far, so good. i'll check the zip and the link. what is the name of your app? i should have asked before.
you can remove the intent filter stuff in the manifest. the only code you need is what's in activity_create sub in the example. content chooser is part of the phone library, so make sur Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |