B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AS MsgBox/Dialog - Alexander Stolte    Feb 24, 2024   (38 reactions) You can create this view with the designer or with code. Features: -Fully Customizable -Top and Bottom bar can be hidden -A Close Button can be visible -Show an Icon (Left , Middle or Right to text) -Set Title -You can Create your own dialog if you hide the top and bottom bar -LoadLayout from Layou B4J Question Custom Msgbox/InputList - Erel (first post)    Feb 06, 2020   (1 reaction) The correct solution is to use B4XDialog with B4XListTemplate. It is very customizable and you can create your own layout if you like. B4A Question XUI Custom MsgBox Class - Please Provide Your Feedback - Harris    May 04, 2018   (5 reactions) Note: None of the apps I create use standard Android text size (and other small things). Only our kids can read and react to this (so I feel). All is enlarged so we (us old folks - my target) can use the app effectively. More work - Yes - but a better app in the end.
Thanks all.
Phone view:
6752 B4A Question Use of Custom MsgBox class with B4XPage - LucaMs (first post)    Mar 01, 2021   (2 reactions) Initialize(Root, Me)
(not tested... of course) B4J Library [B4X][CustomView] xInstrumentationController - rwblinn    Dec 04, 2021   (12 reactions) SetpointPrevious, 0, xController1.ScaleDigits)}"$ & _ $", Delta SP-PV=${NumberFormat(xController1.Delta, 0, xController1.ScaleDigits)}"$ & _ $", Min=${xController1.ScaleMin}, Max=${xController1.ScaleMax}"$ End Sub Private Sub xController1_CustomAction1 xui.MsgboxAsync($"Define custom ac B4J Tutorial How to change location to Msgbox2Async and other customizations - Star-Dust    Jul 31, 2022   (9 reactions) change location
You will surely have noticed that xui.Msgbox2Async places the alert in the center of the last form shown that depends on its Owner.
Sometimes there is a need to place it on a specific point on the screen. How to do?
Dim msg As JavaObject = xui.Msgbox2Async("Message", "Title", "Yes" B4J Library jdashboardUI Improve the graphic interface of your desktop applications - walterf25 (first post)    Jul 25, 2024 Hi there @fernando1987 quick question, I am using your amazing library to give my projects a professional look, but is there a way to make the make the custom_form (msgBox) style window to follow the parent form, for example if I move my main window to a second monitor and I make a custom_form appea B4A Question Clickable MsgBox - Erel (first post)    Jul 18, 2017   (1 reaction) You can create a custom dialog with labels: https://www.b4x.-library-2017-custom-dialogs-and-async-methods.80204/#content B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Nov 09, 2018   (5 reactions) AS MsgBox/Dialog
Version: 1.0
-Fully Customizable
-Top and Bottom bar can be hidden
-A Close Button can be visible
-Show an Icon (Left , Middle or Right to text)
-Set Title
-You can Create your own dialog if you hide the top and bottom bar
-LoadLayout from Layoutfile or with code
-Custom B4A Library [Lib] BetterDialogs - Informatix    Apr 11, 2016   (29 reactions) I tried to improve the most useful dialogs of the Dialogs library. In my version, HTML tags are interpreted (even in the text of buttons), the InputBox uses a Masked EditText and has more options, you can check if the input is valid before closing the dialog, and the CustomDialog is fully customizab Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |