B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] xCustomListView - cross platform CustomListView - Erel    Dec 24, 2023   (46 reactions)   tags: CustomListView, xcutomlistbox card, xuiCLV, CUSTOMLIST, Erel, XUI xCustomListView is an implementation of CustomListView based on XUI library. It provides all the features of the original CustomListView and it is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i. https://www.b4x.com.../basic4android/images/SS-2017-12-27_16.20.44.png This class replaces the platform specific CustomListView... items: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-customlistview-lazy-loading-virtualization... B4A Tutorial [B4X] [XUI] CustomListView - lazy loading / virtualization - Erel    Nov 16, 2023   (38 reactions)   tags: customlist view card, CustomListView, Virtualiza, XCustomListView, xuiCLV, B4X xCustomListView v1.50 adds an important new event named VisibleRangeChanged. This event is fired whenever the visible range of items changes. We can use this event to defer the items creation. This can significantly improve the performance of lists with complex items. As an example, if we try to create a list with 1000 cards with this code (based on https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/cards-list-with-customlistview.87720/#content): Sub FillList Dim bitmaps As List = Array... B4A Question Double Column CustomListView - Mike1970    Apr 6, 2020 hi everyone it's possibile to have a double column customlistview to achieve this kind of result? 91350 I've to do this also in B4i Thanks!... B4J Question (Solved) Calculate CustomListView height inside the PreferencesDialog - aeric    Sep 8, 2021 How to calculate the CustomListView height inside the PreferencesDialog? I need to set the height so it is just nice not to be scrollable by mouse.... B4A Tutorial [XUI] CustomListView with floating titles - Erel    Apr 21, 2020   (40 reactions)   tags: xuiCLV, list float title https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/clv_floatingtitle.gif Title items are added to the list. A Panel is set above the list. The panel shows the current title when the top visible item is not a title item. It works by checking for the top item type. If it is a title item then the panel is hidden, otherwise the panel is shown with the current title. The title layout should be anchored to the... B4i Library [class] CustomListView - Erel    Aug 27, 2017   (6 reactions) http://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2014-11-06_16.22.15.png B4i implementation of CustomListView (http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/class-customlistview-a-flexible-list-based... instances of CustomListView. Otherwise the instance will be released and the events will not be raised. You can use a global variable to store a live reference. New version was uploaded. CustomListView... brings the improvements added to B4A CustomListView: - Animated inserts. - ResizeItem method... B4A Question customlistview loads max items and loads more when scroll tot bottom - m643    Dec 16, 2013   (1 reaction) Hi all, I see in more and more apps that having a listview that loads for example 20 items and when you scroll down it loads another 20 items. I am using now the customlistview class and that works great but I like the solutions that loads a max of items. I searched the forum but the only thing I found is the pull tot refresh class that is what I think simulair to this function. Unfortunately, I am not able tot modified this class so I'm looking for something like this. Is there anybody... B4A Tutorial Cards list with CustomListView - Erel    Dec 31, 2017   (40 reactions)   tags: Cards, listview, card list box, Erel 63224 This example uses xCustomListView to implement a list of cards. As the items layout is created with the designer, it is simple to implement any layout you like. You can also combine different types of items in the same list. The divider color and pressed color are set to transparent. The items layout is made of a base panel. This panel is elevated and it has round corners. Labels are used... Italian [risolto] help su CustomCardView Base On CustomListview Module Grazie @Sagenut - Xfood    Jun 24, 2024 Buon Pomeriggio a tutti, volevo chiedervi se qualcuno utilizza questa classe https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/customcardview-base-on-customlistview-module.91300/ in pratica funziona come da esempio allegato nel post originale, ma se voglio per esempio svuotare la lista e poi ripopolarla con il codice di esempio, mi rimane la lista ( customview ) vuota, dove sbaglio? qualcuno potrebbe dare un'occhiata e indicarmi la starada, ho anche mandato il messaggio al post originale , ma... B4A Tutorial Expandable list based on CustomListView - Erel    Nov 8, 2020   (28 reactions)   tags: CustomListView, listview A cross platform version is available here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-clvexpandable-allows-expanding-or-collapsing-xcustomlistview-items.106148/ 57508 This example uses a slightly modified version of CustomListView to create an expandable list. Each item in the list is made of two panels. One for the title with the arrow and the other is the expanded panel. Note that the expanded items height can be different for different items. The example depends on AnimationPlus and... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |