B4A Question Deeplink opens b4a app inside anothother App - Erel (first post)    Nov 15, 2022   (1 reaction) You can change the launch mode with:
SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:launchMode,new launch mode here)
It can have other side effects so test carefully. B4A Tutorial Firebase Invites/ DynamicLink/ DeepLink [relationship between] - fredo    Sep 15, 2017   (6 reactions) If they have it installed, or to the appropriate listing in the App Store or on Google Play, if they don't. Even better than that, Dynamic Links will "DeepLink" your users to the content they were looking for, even if they had to install the app in the process. Source "Deep links" --> https://en.wi B4A Tutorial Using App Deeplinking in your app (based on json Config file) - DonManfred    Oct 16, 2015   (16 reactions) In this tutorial i will show a way of using MobileDeepLinking in your app.
To use App deeplinking in your app to you need to setup your manifet to do so
Lets start with it:
Edit your manifest and add
B4A Code Snippet Get Firebase shortlink from long dynamic link - fredo    Sep 25, 2017   (8 reactions) Code to get a shortlink from a long dynamic deeplink via "Firebase Dynamic Links REST API" Dynamic links are usually very long, unsightly and reveal unnecessarily it's technical details: 59983 Shortlinks look alot better (e.g. in an invite message): 59995 While there are several variants of shor B4A Question Check if app exists on device - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 16, 2020   (2 reactions) Deeplinking does use GooglePlay as per Documentation.
You invite a User using Deeplinking:
- The user gets an email from google with a invitationLink.
- The User clicks on this link and is pointed to GooglePlay.
- If the app is not installed on the Device he get the chance to install it.
- He ins B4A Question How to execute/call/run a deeplink ? - lkching7    Mar 18, 2021 I found some post regarding how to make our app support deeplink.
But cannot found how to execute/call/run another app deeplink ?
For Example, My Supplier send me an app where support deeplink : superappandroid://lobbyevoandroid?account=username&password=password
in My B4A App, How to I execute/c B4A Question Deeplinking problem - davemorris    Aug 28, 2021 isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{de.donmanfred.deeplinking/org.mobiledeeplinking.android.MobileDeepLinking}: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang. B4A Question [solved] Firebase AppInvites - DonManfred (first post)    Sep 28, 2017   (1 reaction) DeepLinkActivity.Activity_Resume"$)
'Log($" x29, iStart.Action=${iStart.Action}"$ )
'Log($" x31, getBundleFromIntent=${iStart.ExtrasToString}"$ )
' .
End If
If link.Trim <> "" Then
Dim Intent1 As B4A Library {Donationware} Firebase Appinvite - DonManfred    Oct 08, 2017   (7 reactions) In my case i defined a deeplink of https://fbdl.basic4android.de/secure/test/
Based on this code in the manifest editor
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
<category android:name="android.intent B4i Question Any documentation for iOS deeplinking? - Erel (first post)    Dec 28, 2020   (2 reactions) I haven't tried to implement it myself but based on a quick look I don't see anything that should make it impossible.
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