B4A Question Detect screen touch/ tap - Erel (first post)    Jan 24, 2021   (4 reactions)
CallSub(B4XPages.MainPage, "Bright_Screen")
This is not needed!!!
B4XPages.MainPage.BrightScreen... B4A Question Detect Activity_Touch while screen is dim - DonManfred (first post)    Sep 21, 2016   (1 reaction) This must happen regardless of what state the screen is in (powersave dim or off).
If the screen goes into slepp your app will be suspended before.
At the point the Screen goes off your app is already in background. No chance to get any more touch events.... B4A Question Touch screen - massimiliano Baratta    Jun 4, 2023 Dear, is possibile detect the press touch screen with my app in background?
apri la mia app e invia in background
After, open another app and when touch the screen my app detect
regards... B4A Question [SOLVED]Detect User_Interaction with B4xPages - personalapps (first post)    May 24, 2024   (1 reaction) Its in this older thread: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/detect-screen-touch-tap.126821/... B4A Question Show screen updates - JohnC (first post)    Apr 20, 2020   (1 reaction) As Erel says, only the OS can detect touches on ALL screens. But, If you want to detect touches on ONLY the screens inside your own app, you might be able to have a transparent panel covering each activity page in your app, then do something (like display a circle) when a touch event is detected, but I don't know exactly what "something" you want to do with each touch.... Share My Creation Dedicated Touch Screen for Octoprint supporting older devices - JakeBullet70    Dec 22, 2022   (8 reactions) Overview
A dedicated touch screen controller for Octoprint supporting older Android phones.../OctoTouchController
132806... B4A Question KeyPress Event - RJB (first post)    Apr 22, 2021 Does this help: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/detect-screen-touch-tap.126821/#post-793491 ?... B4A Tutorial Android home screen widgets tutorial - part I - Erel    Jan 10, 2023   (12 reactions)   tags: Widget how to implement your own home screen widgets (also named App Widgets). It is important to... that your application is running in. The home screen application is hosting your widgets. This means... screen, long press on the screen and you will see your widget listed on the widgets list... update itself. It will fire after adding the widget to the screen, after the device has booted... event is raised when the last instance of our widget is removed from the screen. As mentioned above... B4A Library Physical Activity Recognition Detection - Erel    Jan 9, 2023   (25 reactions) Class updated on May 2023. This class allows you to monitor the user / device physical state (walking, running, still, etc.). The state detection is based on Android location services which use low power sensors to try to detect the current activity. Once you connect your app to these services you will receive notifications even when your app is in the background (similar to static intent filters). Configuration steps: 1. Add this line to the main activity: #AdditionalJar: com.google... B4A Tutorial ExoPlayer - full screen feature - Erel    Dec 25, 2023   (12 reactions) 116949 116950 This example demonstrates how you can add a full screen button to a video. Clicking on the button, starts a new landscape activity and it then uses the native switchTargetView method to reuse the same player in the new SimpleExoPlayerView. There is also some calculations involved with adding the button based on the actual video dimension. Don't miss the manifest editor code... is simple, line 31 in FullScreen changed to: jo.InitializeStatic("androidx.media3.ui.PlayerView... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |