B4A Question Dictionary application - where is a good start? - agraham (first post)    Aug 11, 2021   (3 reactions) I have built a dictionary app containing about 210,000 definitions and examples from English WordNet
I have pre-processed their data files into 211,862 individual strings with word, definition and synonyms saved as lines in a single text file 24Mb in Share My Creation [B4J, B4X, IDE] The ColorMix Helper App - A Standalone Standby - William Lancee    Jan 22, 2023   (18 reactions) The reason for adding Yellow is that the L*a*b* is founded on the principle that human preception is along two continua: Red<->Green and Blue<->Yellow It also seems natural to make the mixture more or less Yellow in addition to more or less Red, Green, Blue, and Black. The dictionary icon on this B4J Question Very large app -> slowdowns in code editor - agraham (first post)    Nov 28, 2021   (1 reaction) Sorry but it doesn't. The Chambers dictionary definition of 'last' is Last 1.Latest 2.Coming or remaining after all the others 3.Final 4.Immediately before the present 5.Utmost 6.Ending a series 7.Most unlikely, least to be preferred Note the ambiguity of meaning of (1) and (3) above. None of the Bug? given key was not present in the dictionary (Solved). - josejad (first post)    Aug 25, 2024   (1 reaction) Take a look for some of these solutions
Change your subject to: "given key was not present in the dictionary", that way more people can help you
(si pones el asunto en español mucha gente no va a entenderlo) B4A Question If Statement Not Functioning - Andrew (Digitwell) (first post)    Jan 21, 2023 the definition of Compare to: 138371 So if the 2 strings are the same then it will return 0. Lexicographically means character by character, i believe. Share My Creation Pali Dictionary - tummosoft    Jul 17, 2018   (4 reactions) https://tummosoft.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/banner.png?w=300&h=300
Dictionary application for Pali language.
1. Find every word
2. Easy custom dictionary: Create and manage your personal dictionary
3. Learn something new: Word of the day with game and home widgets
https://play B4A Question Map Collection - The most useful collection... - Erel    Nov 12, 2015   (21 reactions) Map is a collection that maps keys to values. It can also be named hashtable, dictionary or associative array. Each item is made of a key and value. Access to the value is always done through the key. Retrieving the key is a fast operation. The size of the map doesn't affect the performance (unlik B4A Question Access a dictionary - peggjones    Jun 08, 2018 I'm trying to find a way of analysing the structure of words for my linguistics studies. For example I want to be able to analyse all words in French to see if they contains a given syllable. For this I need to be able to read the contents of a dictionary entry by entry. Has anyone any idea how I co B4A Library GiLoWordsGamesUtils - LordZenzo    May 18, 2024   (7 reactions) GetFilteredWords2(filtro As List, notfiltro As List) As List
Returns a list of words using the specified filter. and excluding the words corresponding to the second filter
Filter should include SQLite wildcards:
% represents zero, one, or multiple numbers or characters;
_ (underscore) repres B4J Question How fast is your lookup? - William Lancee (first post)    Dec 20, 2024   (2 reactions) I am going to try it with various length strings (an English dictionary - 370,000 words) 1. I am going to create a list with 10,000 randomly chosen words (I'll set RndSeed to ensure repeatability) 2. Create 2 dataset: a) list of all words b) a B4XSet of all words 3. Time the process of lo Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |