B4J Question How to call third-party DLL libraries? - JohnJ (first post)    May 24, 2024 Java can call a Windows DLL. The pcomm.dll is an IBM terminal DLL, or it was in my world. Are you trying to access an IBM server? B4J Question How to use JNA to call self-made dll? - kimstudio (first post)    Jan 27, 2022   (1 reaction) I got the answers from forum with method 1) jDotNetBridge: compile into jar library using SLC; method 2) inline java: same effect but using inline java, which is more convenient if you update functions in the dll frequently. Thanks! Now calling a c dll is so easy! B4J Question sh.Initialize with arguments - GDO (first post)    Jan 06, 2017   (1 reaction) Hi,
--> "calling directly Photoviewer" does not work
--> "doubling the double quotes" does not work
--> "Photoviewer.dll doesn't accept paths containing spaces", I think you are right :-(
Googling "Photoviewer.dll in command line" shows me long name is a trouble.
Sorry for the question but thank B4J Question jRDC2 + Vb.net form - John Naylor (first post)    Mar 03, 2020 You can call DLL's written in C++ from your VB code. C++ DLL in VB.NET B4J Question Communicating with Windows System - kimstudio (first post)    Jan 08, 2023   (1 reaction) I know JNA can do this by calling functions in user32.dll. Search JNA in forum there are some examples I think. B4A Library [B4X] .Net Framework implementation of B4XSerializator - Erel    Mar 20, 2020   (24 reactions) B4XSerializator is included in the internal RandomAccessFile library. The attached dll is for .Net Framework applications. B4XSerializator is a great tool that makes it simple to share data between B4A, B4i and B4J. It takes care of converting objects, including complex objects, to bytes and vice ve B4J Question image.writetostream using disk - how to avoid it ? - kimstudio (first post)    Oct 27, 2022 Like OpenCV, there are many other pure imageio libs in C/C++ can be used, for example this one: https://github.com/AbePralle/ImageIO has a much simpler interface and I think it can be easy to make an interface for java and B4J to call dll on Windows. Are you sure as gif only supports 256 colors an B4J Question Is there a device model? - cklester (first post)    Apr 12, 2021 There are Windows API calls you can make to get some of that data. Not sure how you'd do it from B4J. It would require interfacing with windows system dlls. B4J Question JNA : access C++ DLL methods & variables type conversion - GabrielM (first post)    Oct 31, 2019 Got it running all ok while in B4J compiled though when I produce the EXE file (using Launch4J) and try to execute it seems that it does not find the required dll file. The program does not crash or such but it just does not perform the related actions to dll calls.
The dll is placed in Files folder B4J Question use dll to enable joystick support - ilan    Oct 19, 2017 The .Net framework will route calls to this function, through to the dll file.
<DllImport("winmm", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Winapi, EntryPoint:="joySetCapture", SetLastError:=True)> _
Public Shared Function JoySetCapture(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal uJoyID As Integer, ByVa Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |