Games App or Game? - JordiCP (first post)    May 08, 2017   (8 reactions) :p)
This is an output because: Money = Time_spent * Time_value- value(new knowledge) - value(new portfolio) -value(satisfaction)- value(other factors you might consider)
If "Money_to_earn" is negative, then what are you waiting for????? :eek::eek::eek:
If it is positive, think how many dow B4A Library Financial Functions - Col    Nov 28, 2021   (15 reactions) I searched for a library of common Financial Functions, but came up blank (maybe there's already one there, but I couldn't find it). So, here's my version. I hope you find it useful. Function Description PresentValue Returns the total amount that a series of future payments is worth now Futu B4A Question Inquiry about uploading a free application for a limited time on Google Play Or assign it to a certain number of operations and then close the applica - AnandGupta (first post)    Jun 18, 2022 Google does not allow it as per rule, as it can not earn from it. Google earns by deducting certain percentage from the amount paid at the site as purchase or subscription of the app. Just make your app with ads. Google will earn from it and give peanuts to you. But rest assured your app will be on B4A Question Any other than Google Maps? - AnandGupta (first post)    Nov 23, 2018   (2 reactions) Yes, why ? See, if you want to use (earn) in a eco-system, keep only 'price' (expenses) about it from using or not using it. Justifying other non-related to 'price' is not right, IMHO. Regards, Anand Share My Creation Mortality - Approved! - tufanv (first post)    Jun 10, 2015   (1 reaction) Hello Mark, I used to write these type of apps and saw that those are not earning anything. These are simple calculations which nearly every coder can write in 1-2 days. Please don't get me wrong. I am not capable to write even this app you coded but the fact is if the aim is to earn money these wi Other It's time to grow - Alessandra Pellegri (first post)    Jan 28, 2020   (3 reactions) But doing so, how will you earn your money? B4A Question earn amount of admob ads - sorex (first post)    Jun 10, 2019   (1 reaction) nobody can tell you an 'exact' average because it depends is so many factors.
first of all the advertiser can spend amount x per click but the chance that you will get near that at the end of the day is small because non clicked ads bring down the values again.
rewarded video earning only become i Italian Domanda sui guadagni - LucaMs (first post)    Aug 24, 2020   (1 reaction) Non che io sappia. So solo che si guadagna poco dalle pubblicità (le persone non "clickano") e che per guadagnare con queste serve dal milione di download in su (sperando che su un milione di download almeno 1/3 rimangano installazioni). Se hai tempo e pazienza puoi cercare sul sito dei post in cu Share My Creation The 500,000+ Downloads Club - Jack Cole (first post)    Oct 25, 2019   (20 reactions) Yes. I still do other work, but it's been pretty good for income. For a few years, it was amazing. Now it's probably just the right amount to pay living expenses. It is pretty funny that my initial goal was to make enough money to pay for my purchase of b4a. Wish Click on Solution in Avatar Profile you are Sent to Last Thread That Earned it - Erel (first post)    Sep 09, 2021   (2 reactions) The solution post appears right under the question: https://www.b4x.-qrcode-from-photo-gallery.134110/
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