B4A Question [B4xPages] How to always run a procedure when starting the program? - LucaMs (first post)    Nov 30, 2020   (1 reaction) This is the question: what you mean talking of "exit".
Usually Android apps does not have a button to "exit app"; the user presses the back key, which does not really closes the app, send it to background.
When the user taps the app icon, it becomes active again, return to foreground; only if in th B4i Question BarButtons and "Exit" application by setting it to background - Erel (first post)    Sep 06, 2022   (1 reaction) An iOS app is not allowed to close itself or to move to the background. Bug? Keyword 'Continue' not consistent in behaviour - Erel (first post)    Dec 13, 2019   (1 reaction) Continue and Exit shouldn't be called inside Select Case. It is related to the implementation which is based on switch blocks.
There is a hint about it in the documentation of Exit.
I will add a compiler warning for this. B4A Question Exit Application finally.. - RichardN (first post)    Mar 09, 2023   (1 reaction) 'Recent Apps' is a better description for the list summoned by the III button. If you are unsure of the program state for debugging purposes then go to Settings > Apps and kill it. That is the only way to make sure you are getting a clean start.
....Of course if it has just crashed you are also ge B4J Question connect to remote database using an API (SOLVED) - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 26, 2020   (2 reactions) You are not using exit correctly. exit is expected to return a resultcode (Integer) which is interpreted as a ResultCode from the calling Application (in this case Apache).
If you want to return a result first you
- should register a shutdown function and return the json here. See the page
https: B4A Question Return location of string in a delimited string - emexes (first post)    Sep 13, 2019   (1 reaction) But I do like that you've put thought into making sure you don't search more elements than necessary :) There is an Exit command that will escape you out of a loop, that will usually achieve the same thing but without the temporary flag variable or check. In post #8 the Return is doing the escape B4A Question Exit from application in clean way - khwarizmi (first post)    Dec 10, 2019   (1 reaction) As far as I know, exitApplication closes the application when applied from the only one active view, try to close every activity with acttivity.finish then you can apply exitApplication from the last one. B4A Question Exit app when sleep for 3 minutes - DonManfred (first post)    Jun 07, 2017   (3 reactions) Use a Timer. Set it´s intervall to 1000 or so. Set a global var and set the value to 3*60 (180)
In timer tick you count down the global variable (-1)
- Whenever a action is made. Reset the global var to 180
- When reaching 0 stop the timer and call Activity.Finish B4A Question Exit with return about 'for' - alirezahassan    Nov 08, 2021 hi all,
i have a sub
I want to return the value of i when the condition is correct.
If I write like this, it always returns a value of -1
Sub getidlist(us As List,user As String) As Int
For i = 0 To us.Size-1
Dim map As Map = us.Get(i)
If map.Get("UserName").As(String) = user Th B4J Question Project containing bugs: debug and release behavior. - agraham (first post)    Jan 31, 2022 I doubt it. Swallowing a runtime error without notification can never be a good idea unless it is explicitly coded with a try...catch. I am intrigued by this behaviour as System.exit should shut down the JVM immediately - the corollary is probably that the error is not propagated to the try...catch Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |