B4A Library PndAudioExoPlayer - For online radio stations apps - Pendrush    Oct 16, 2022   (22 reactions) Original library: https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer
Wrapper is based on ExoPlayer version v2.18.1 (22 Jul 2022)
This wrapper is not substitute for Erel's ExoPlayer, it was created with one goal in mind, to make it easier to create applications that use the online radio streams.
A few things have B4A Library addoMedia3 - AndroidX Media3 Exoplayer Wrapper - Addo    Oct 15, 2024   (20 reactions) DesignerProperties
UseController default is true
ShowBuffering default is NEVER
ControllerTimeout default is 5000
Events :
Player_MetaData(metadataFields As Map)
Library and Example attached. Don't forget to d B4A Code Snippet Exoplayer read stream radio online - musaso    May 09, 2021   (7 reactions) i < metadata.length(); i++) {
Metadata.Entry entry = metadata.get(i);
//Aqui se leen titulo y url
if (entry instanceof IcyInfo){
IcyInfo icyInfo = ((IcyInfo) entry);
BA.Lo Wish ExoPlayer-ID3 metadata - kisoft (first post)    Dec 24, 2019 Hi
Thank you for your answer. I found something like this:
ID3 metadata and album art
ExoPlayer now parses ID3 metadata from the headers of MP3 and MP4 files. The metadata is placed into the Format object of the corresponding B4A Question Exoplayer update to support MP3 tags - moster67 (first post)    May 07, 2019   (4 reactions) GetField("metadata")
If Metadata.IsInitialized Then
Log("Metadata: " & Metadata) 'will not show you anything
'use below inline java method or use it with JavaObject
Dim jo As JavaObject
B4A Question ExoPlayer-ID3 metadata how to get data - kisoft (first post)    Dec 31, 2019 GetField("metadata")
If Metadata.IsInitialized Then
Log("Metadata: " & Metadata) 'will not show you anything
Dim jo As JavaObject= Metadata.RunMethod("get", Array(0))
Log ("log2="&jo)
Dim mime As String = jo.GetFie B4A Question [SOLVED] - ExoPlayer - Displaying song title and artist name when streaming - rleiman (first post)    Oct 23, 2020 Here's the metadata that's extracted:
Found: (Metadata) entries=
Another issue I found with the ExoPlayer is that it did not detect that the streaming changed the track when they radio station plays a new song. Is there a way to more metadata that contains the song title and artist? Since the ExoP B4A Question ExoPlayer Song List - Get Title - Bucky108    Dec 30, 2022 Creating a song list for ExoPlayer with CreateListSource, I want to get the track title in the TrackChanged event.
I tried the following code from the forum:
Dim jo As JavaObject = ExoPlaySong
Dim TrackGroups As JavaObject = jo.GetFieldJO("player").RunMethod("getCurrentTrackGroups", N B4A Question EasyVideoPlayer - uniplan (first post)    Apr 11, 2018 google.android.exoplayer2.metadata
14 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.emsg
137 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.id3
74 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.scte35
486 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source
100 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.chunk
143 com.google Italian Come riprodurre un video mp4 in un panel - Lello1964 (first post)    Mar 29, 2021 mkv 60 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.mp3 222 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.mp4 96 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.ogg 9 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.rawcc 353 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.ts 41 com.google.android.exoplayer2.ext Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |