B4A Library [B4X] FTP Server implemented with Socket and AsyncStreams - Erel    Jul 18, 2022   (40 reactions) https://www.b4x.com/images/ftp.gif
(Note that the FTP client above is not part of this solution. It only demonstrates how you can use a standard FTP client to communicate with the server.)
This is an example of using low level network features to implement a high level protocol.
It is an implementa Share My Creation FTP-WebServer-Text-Editor with backup history - birnesoft    Mar 21, 2015   (1 reaction) Success As Boolean)
Log(ServerPath & ", Success=" & Success)
If Success = False Then Log(LastException.Message)
End Sub B4J Question Many Firebase alternative - whitch one to use ? - DonManfred (first post)    Nov 18, 2022   (1 reaction) Yes. You can install a Webserver, ftp, a mqtt-broker, Database, create your own serverapps using B4J. Run jRDC on it.... B4A Question Capture values from othe application - MicroDrie (first post)    Mar 21, 2024 I can't recommend it enough, start with a search on this forum like : "ftp webserver". B4J Question [SOLVED] ABMaterial webserver vs FTPServer conflict - teddybear (first post)    Nov 16, 2024   (1 reaction) You need to change the data listening port of the FTPServer. It conflicts with ABMaterial webserver. or change the listening port of the webserver .
Such as below
ftpsrvr.SetPorts(21, 10000, 10100) B4A Question Uploading an Image to webserver - DonManfred (first post)    Aug 31, 2015 The best way is probably FTP (see FTP tutorial) OR httputils sending the image to a php-script which then stores the file on your server (see my signature for an example) OR send the files to your dropbox (see dropbox class V2 http) and then your server get the files from dropbox (maybe a php-scrip Italian [RISOLTO] Invio JPG a WebServer - MarcoRome (first post)    Mar 14, 2017   (1 reaction) In FTP no ? B4i Question WebServer to Upload File to IOS device - Erel (first post)    Aug 21, 2019 FTP Server implemented with Socket and AsyncStreams B4A Library AppUpdating 2.0 - update non-market apps - udg (first post)    Oct 19, 2018   (9 reactions) AppUpdating 2.0 - how to use it Setting the webserver This one is easy. On a webserver (even any free shared service would be ok), create a folder (in the example below, I created folder free_apk on webserver www.dgconsulting.eu) and eventually restrict access to it (I used the .htaccess method). P German TXT Datei über FTP öffnen - DonManfred (first post)    Apr 29, 2020 Falsch! Die URL hat NICHTS mit FTP zu tun. Das ist eine Webseiten-URL. d.h. auf läuft - mindestens - ein Webserver. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |