B4A Library Geocoder library - warwound    Mar 31, 2016   (31 reactions) Geocoder library
The Geocoder library enables you to geocode coordinates and reverse geocode addresses.
The library adds two new Objects to the IDE:
Version: 2.1
HasLatitude As Boolean
Returns True if a latitude has been assigned to this Address, False otherwise.
HasLongitude A B4A Code Snippet [B4X] Free Geolocation Nominatim (Geocoding API) - TILogistic    Jun 20, 2021   (30 reactions) Here's a demo of how to use the nominatim geocoding API for free.
There are other geocoding options if you want to know, leave your comments.
Demo file attached
Sub GeoCoderNominatim(Query As String) As ResumableSub
Dim ResultURL As String
Dim j As HttpJob
Dim Parameter() As Str Italian da latitudine, longitudine, altitudine ottenere indirizzo completo - klaus (first post)    Mar 06, 2022 You can use the Geocoder library. B4A Tutorial Geofence - Monitoring a region in the background - Erel    Feb 01, 2023   (27 reactions) Geofencing is an Android feature that allows your app to be notified when the user enters or exits a monitored region.
The nice thing about this feature is that your app doesn't need to run for monitoring to work.
It will be started automatically when needed.
The GeofenceService uses JavaObject to B4J Code Snippet Two geodesic features on a web page using B4J+Python (with sources) - MichalK73    May 05, 2020   (4 reactions) nom =ArcGIS() WEJSCIE ='' WYJSCIE ='' def trans(adres): uklad = { '65/1':'3120', '65/2' : '2172', '65/3' : '2173', '65/4' : '2174', '65/5' : '2175', '1992' : '2180', '2000 V' : '2176', B4A Question Geocoder - call sub - Declan    Jul 04, 2024 msgspeed)
Transactions.Put(9, msgdatetime)
Transactions.Put(10, msgfleet)
Transactions.Put(11, msgfriendname)
addFN = msgfriendname
' Get the street Address
Geocoder1.GetFromLocation(Transactions.Get(3 B4A Code Snippet Geo-Zone Determination (Point in Polygon) - Harris    May 27, 2015   (10 reactions) Size -1
If i < polx.Size Then
x2 = polx.Get(i)
y2 = poly.Get(i)
x2 = polx.Get(0) ' checks the last line
y2 = poly.Get(0)
End If
If y >= Min(y1, y2) Then
If y <= Max(y1, y2) Then
B4J Question JGooglemaps JobDone - jmon (first post)    Feb 03, 2017   (1 reaction) As Google Geocode will return a value in the future, you need to change your code to update WHEN you get the geocode value.
The correct process is like this:
Send a geocode request
Receive the value
callSub the updating sub
update the text with the value (txtLocation.text = MyValue)
Right now wha B4A Question Geocode Library - DonManfred (first post)    Oct 02, 2020   (1 reaction) I suggest to use the google api using REST Calls. This may give you the best (and up to date) results.
Google Geocoding REST API Spanish b4j geocoder. - Matias Ferrer (first post)    Apr 13, 2017   (1 reaction) Estimado,
Creo que tiene un problema de codificación. Deberías enviar los datos de la calle, y demás utilizando la función "EncodeUrl" de la librería StringUtils
Sería algo así: address=" & su.EncodeUrl(calle,"UTF8")
Todo lo que envíes por URL, POST o GET debes codificarlo.
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