B4A Tutorial Using a Git Repository (Version Control) for Beginners - wonder    Jun 22, 2017   (32 reactions) 56888
What is Version Control?
Version control software keeps track of every modification to the code in a special kind of database. If a mistake is made, developers can turn back the clock and compare earlier versions of the code to help fix the mistake while minimizing disruption to all team mem B4A Question Git - which folder can I ignore. - davemorris    Aug 03, 2019 Hi, Guys
I am using GIT for my version control system - however the .git file is growing at an alarming rate.
Question - which folders can I safely ignore - they appears that Objects folder and its sub folders are the problem but the manifest is in there so I am wondering which sub folders I can sa Share My Creation [B4X] Project Overview, Search and Git Status - stevel05    Dec 20, 2019   (13 reactions) If you use it, let me know how you get on with it.
Update now parses relative shared code modules
Added colours to project names for easier identification
You will need to re-scan your projects as there is a change to the underlying database.
Additional dependencies for V0.2
KeyVal B4A Question Multi-user development - sivakrith (first post)    Dec 08, 2021 Thanks, DonManfred.
It's really confusing for me to choose one. I don't want to use GitHub as of now. Want to use my local server instead for B4X projects. Seems Git is on the client-side, where it can pull data from a server, can commit changes to the server, etc.
I want Git to pull data from m Wish Git / Bitbucket Integration (Any Git ) - AHilton (first post)    Feb 23, 2019   (1 reaction) There are other discussions on this forum about this. Probably even more wishlist entries, too.
I, for one, don't see the need for it integrated into the B4X suite. Our company and those outside programmers we deal with on projects just use third-party git clients for B4X and the other developmen Wish Help, for merging source codes for a project on which several programmers are working simultaneously - Andrew (Digitwell) (first post)    Nov 30, 2022   (3 reactions) I use Git for this purpose.
This is exactly the use case it was created for.
The only issue I have is with the the .b4a file when merging.
It has both configuration and code in it.
It would be great if in a future version these were separated..... Wish git, github - Jeffrey Cameron (first post)    Jan 10, 2019   (1 reaction) I know this is an old thread, but now that GitHub is offering free unlimited private repositories for up to 3 collaborators, I'd like to +1 this request again at this time. Even just the ability to push changes up via https would simplify my life.
+1 :) B4J Code Snippet [B4X] B4XProjectFixer - Blueforcer    Mar 30, 2022   (7 reactions) Regarding to my problem/wish with merging different branches in git https://www.b4x.-meta-handling-for-git-usage.139524/ I wrote a small tool as a workaround which fixes the meta information in the projectfile cleanly. Thereby all files, libraries and modules are rearranged, reindexed and duplicate B4A Question Code Versioning Tool - eurojam (first post)    Apr 10, 2015   (1 reaction) we are using git together with b4a. git has some advantages, for example you can work on your own machine and you don't have to be connected to a repository: http://git-scm.com/ Wish GIT Integration - Lucas Siqueira (first post)    Nov 07, 2024   (1 reaction) https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-project-template-b4xpages-for-github-upload.162990/#content
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