B4i Question show only polygon limits on google maps - Erel (first post)    Aug 19, 2022   (1 reaction) 1. You cannot hide parts of the map.
2. https://www.b4x./?query=point+in+polygon B4A Question How to modify existing polygons on Google Map? - DonManfred (first post)    May 24, 2018   (1 reaction) Dim poly As Polygon = mextra.AddPolygon(gmap,popt)
AddPolygon return the added Polygon object... You can later use this reference to change the polygon.
You should not use the used Polygonoptions. They are only needed to define before you use AddPolygon.
Afterwards you should use the Polygons Opt B4J Question Remove polygons from google maps. - DonManfred (first post)    Mar 27, 2020   (2 reactions) Yes, get the reference to the polyline and call polyline.remove B4J Question Google Maps Polygon Broken With Java 11+ - Erel (first post)    May 31, 2020   (1 reaction) Make sure to use the latest version: https://www.b4x.
I've tested it with a simple polygon and it worked.
Note that there is a known issue with Java 14 and google maps. Better to use Java 11 for now. B4J Question Changing the fill colour of a jGoogleMaps polygon - Ralph Parkhurst (first post)    Nov 13, 2024 Yes, there do seem to be some differences between B4A and J when it comes to implementation of Google Maps.
Here is the code I used to add the initial polygon:
gmap.AddPolygon(lstPointsLatLng, LineWidthPolygon, LineColorPolygon, FillColorPolygon, OpacityPolygon)
where my variables are:
lstPointsLat B4J Question [ ABMaterial ] I've been trying to run my ABMateral-Project on the new IDE 9.80 - alwaysbusy (first post)    Apr 11, 2023   (2 reactions) I checked the source code, and It has to do with setting fences when e.g. dragging a marker.
' create the google map
Dim gm1 As ABMGoogleMap
gm1.Initialize(page, "gm1", -12.043333, -77.028333, 15, 350, ABM.GOOGLEMAPTYPE_ROADMAP,0)
gm1.Draggable = True
gm1.HasMapTypeControl = True
gm1.HasStreetView B4A Class [B4X] GPSPolyMap - check if GPS location is inside a polygon - Biswajit    May 11, 2020   (19 reactions) With this class, you can check if the GPS location coordinate is inside a polygon.
You can use this class to check whether the user is inside a building, shopping mall or any custom shape.
This class is only for B4A and B4I.
Here is how can you get the coordinates of an establishment (school, offic Share My Creation GoogleMapsDemo - klaus    Apr 30, 2024   (22 reactions) Some time ago I played a lot with GoogleMaps according to this post:
The problem was to add other shapes on a googlemap overlapping existing shapes.
When you move the mouse over an existing shape the cursor doesn't work anymore an B4A Question Google map Direction for more than 40 address - drgottjr (first post)    Aug 22, 2020   (1 reaction) i don't believe there is an api to do that. it's certainly doable but i believe you're going to have to do a lot of the work yourself:
1) draw a number of polygons and put them on the map. easy.
2) find the center of each polygon and make that a waypoint. should be easy.
3) calculate the directi B4A Question Draw a Polygon on a Map - MarcoRome (first post)    Aug 07, 2019   (6 reactions) umnRk2meDng
Sub MapFragment1_LongClick (mPoint As LatLng)
gmap.AddMarker3(mPoint.Latitude,mPoint.Longitude, "MicroArea " & Starter.numero_microarea,LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"flag50.png") ).InfoWindowShown = True
If lista_punta.Size = 6 Then
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