B4A Library GSheet Library (integrate google sheets into your B4X apps easily) - fernando1987    Jan 23, 2025   (17 reactions) Thanks for your understanding. :)
This library depends the Google OAuth2 class:
follow the tutorial in this topic to create your project in google console developer, enable google dive and google sheets apis, make sure to add your package name to your proje Share My Creation READ, ADD, UPDATE, AND DELETE DATA FROM GOOGLE SHEETS USING API V4 - fernando1987    Feb 26, 2022   (9 reactions) This project has all the necessary connections to communicate with a google needs the Google OAuth2 class:
*Important talk in your project the google sheets app from google console developers
Also uses the Tasty Toast library:
https://www.b4x.-toast.69671/ B4A Question Updating Google Sheet --> stuck in oauth2.GetAccessToken - Erel (first post)    Aug 02, 2020 This is the relevant tutorial: Google OAuth2
Make sure to add the required code in the manifest editor. B4J Code Snippet Google OAuth2 authorization token - Erel    Dec 03, 2020   (11 reactions) Some of Google online services no longer allow the access token to be sent as a query parameter. You will get an error similar to: "The OAuth token was received in the query string, which this API forbids for response formats other than JSON or XML. If possible, try sending the OAuth token in the A B4A Tutorial CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE AND CONSULT REGISTERS ON GOOGLE SHEET FROM YOUR APPLICATIONS - Erel (first post)    Apr 03, 2020   (4 reactions) Note that you can access Google Sheets directly. I do it all the time.
It is done with Google OAuth2: Google OAuth2 B4A Question Google sheets API Key error - IndieDev    Feb 01, 2021 Hi,
Trying to access a Google Sheet using OAUTH v2.10
Getting this error...
ResponseError. Reason: , Response: {
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key.",
"details": {
"@type": "type.googleap B4A Question Google OAuth2 - Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch - JOTHA    Jul 05, 2021 Hello Forum,
I used the Example Google OAuth2 from Erel, but I get this Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
I've seen that this problem is dicussed in the forum, but there is no solution on this case.
I want to have access to Google Sheets, so I tried first the example with "Contacts" from Erel.
Can B4A Question Problem Updating Google Sheets - dank    Jan 03, 2023 Now to my next related question concerning Oauth2 and Google Sheets API. I'm having trouble updating my Google sheet. I can read from it without any problems.
The relevant code and error:
j.PutString("https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/*************/values/sheet1!a3:e7?valueInputOption B4J Question B4j and Google sheet - Erel (first post)    Aug 16, 2021 You need to start with: https://www.b4x.-b4x-google-oauth2.79426/
And: https://www.b4x.-oauth2-authorization-token.125176/#content B4A Question Google Sheets - Erel (first post)    Oct 06, 2023 https://www.b4x./?query=google+oauth+sheet Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |