B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Scheduler ? - MonthView, DayView (Week), AgendaView and CalendarView [Payware] - Alexander Stolte    Dec 30, 2024   (32 reactions) 1.14
GetAppointmentCountInRange if Parameter DurationLongerThanOneDay = True Then isFullDay = True are also returned
If Appointment isFullDay = True Then the appointment is displayed at the top
Add get and set DayCount - Changes the number of days that are v B4J Question [Solved] How to free memory after use? - Magma (first post)    Jan 05, 2023   (2 reactions) ...I remember the same problem at vb6... sorry.. not the same exact... don;t remember exactly... i think was gridview... had a limit of 32K lines... ...Well the solution for tableview... came with b4xtable - i think is perfect and using pagination... but ofcourse is total different logic... B4A Question GridView like instagram - josejad (first post)    Mar 06, 2021   (1 reaction) https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-ximagesliderig-instagram-style-image-and-video-slider.119402/ B4A Library MSDynamicGridView Library - thedesolatesoul    May 03, 2015   (11 reactions) This library implements one kind of GridViews:
Android Version Support
This GridView doesnt work 100% on Andriod 2.3 and lower. The animations are not supported and also the events are not raised (due to a bug).
1. DynamicGridView
This gridview is very flexible. All items must be of the same heigh B4A Question GridView of Buttons - KZero (first post)    Mar 23, 2020   (1 reaction) add scrollview to the main activity and add the gridview to it
sv.Panel.AddView(GridView1.GetBase,0,0,100%x,1000dip) B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS DatePicker - fast navigate to a Month - Year - Decade - Century | RangeDatePicker - Alexander Stolte    Dec 23, 2024   (22 reactions) ("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun")</code>
setWeekNumberProperties (WeekNumberProperties As ) As String
BodyColor As Int
BodyProperties As ASDatePicker_BodyProperties
CurrentDateColor As Int
CurrentView_CenturyView As String
CurrentView_DecadeView As String
CurrentView_MonthV B4A Library [Library] B4aGridView v3.80 - Declan (first post)    Jan 15, 2017 VerticalSpacing = 50dip
GridView.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
GridView.ColumnWidth = 160dip
GridView.StretchMode = GridView.StretchMode.NO_STRETCH
GridView.NumColumns = 3
GridView.TransitionDuration = 400
GridView.MaxAnimationVelocity = 300
GridView.SimulateGridWithList = Tru B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS CalendarExpandable? [Payware] - Alexander Stolte    Dec 07, 2024   (13 reactions) ("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun")</code> setWeekNumberProperties (WeekNumberProperties As ) As String Properties: AppointmentType1 As List As AppointmentType2 As List As AppointmentType3 As List As BodyColor As Int BodyProperties As CurrentDateColor As Int CurrentView As String B4A Example B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online - AnandGupta (first post)    Nov 29, 2021   (2 reactions) B4X
This new view allows you to have an ordered and distributed list of images (left) and their name, description and info (right). Or you can view the images in grid (if the screen size allows it, otherwise in column) where there will be related images with the name B4A Library [B4X][custom view] GridManager - XbNnX_507    Sep 20, 2020   (6 reactions) Hi, This is a modified custom view of the class library -> GridManager . It should be compatible with b4j, b4a and b4i. Note this is for simple grids if you need something more complex then -> GridClassPreoptimizedCLV This thread should be move to -> Additional libraries, classes and official upda Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |