B4A Library [B4X] Library Base64 encode/decode Image and File library - MarcoRome    Aug 26, 2024   (32 reactions) To convert any file to Base64.
The library is for B4X (Tested with B4J, B4A, B4i)
The Example Code:
'File 653 kb
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "653.jpg", File.DirInternal,"653.jpg")
'Image to Encode64
Dim base As String = Base64EncodeDecodeImage.Base64ImageToString(File.Di B4A Question [Closed]Embed images to HTM file - Andrew (Digitwell) (first post)    Aug 16, 2021   (2 reactions) You can embed images using base64 in the image tag
for example,
<img alt="embedded images"
I use this method in my email signatures to ensure that the recipient Always sees my logo even if they have download images turn B4A Library Base64 encode/decode image library - Peter Simpson    Oct 08, 2018   (16 reactions) I noticed the other day that there were quite a few questions regarding decoding base64 image stings, so I quickly put together this simple but effective base64 encode/decode images library for others to use.
I will be turning more of my simple but useful routines to libraries, but not too many :)
B4A Question (Solved) Image format for SQLite - AnandGupta (first post)    Aug 21, 2021   (2 reactions) Encryption is not related to base64 conversion of image.
image is binary data -> base64 conversion -> ascii data (alphanumeric characters only)
so after conversion your image becomes a string of text, which you can easily store in db like name, address etc. B4A Question json and list of images - Andrew (Digitwell) (first post)    Dec 21, 2020   (2 reactions) Normally the image is encoded in Base64. I tested the first string using this website. https://codebeautify.org/base64-to-image-converter The image was converted successfully. Now all you need to do is follow one of the many BASE64 conversion threads on the forum. such as this one. https://www. Share My Creation [B4X] B4XBase64 encode and decode: Made only with B4X code, without external libraries - TILogistic    Sep 03, 2024   (8 reactions) B4XBase64 encoding and decoding algorithms were developed using B4X code only, without external libraries (StringUtils). Methods: . URL encoding and decoding . Image variable encoding and decoding . Text variable encoding and decoding . Image file encoding and decoding . Text file encoding and decod B4A Question JSONParser for Image data type - ilan (first post)    Jan 02, 2024   (2 reactions) instead of blob you may use base64 to convert your image and save it as string in your database. you can also upload your image to a folder on your server and save the link to that image and download it via http job. https://www.b4x./?query=image+to+base64 B4A Question [RESOLVED] Download image BLOB and insert into SQLite DB - mfstuart (first post)    Dec 12, 2018   (1 reaction) Hi Markus,
The image data was already Base64 encoded, so I had to decode it to make it appear in the ImageView.
I had already tried similar code as what you have referenced above, so that's what started my quest to make it work for me and try other ways. B4A Question [SOLVED] Reduce image size before encoding, preferably without writing to disk. - TILogistic (first post)    Apr 14, 2024   (4 reactions) ?
The B4Xbitmap allows resize.
Dim Base64 As String, Bmp As B4XBitmap, SU As StringUtils
'Image to Base64 (Resize).
Base64 = SU.EncodeBase64(ImageToBytes(B4XSignature1.Bitmap.Resize(350, 350, True)))
'Base64 to Image
Bmp = BytesToImage(S B4A Question webview - get a bitmap with javascript - TILogistic (first post)    Jan 21, 2023   (2 reactions) EDIT:
a simple B4X example: URL base64 to image:
press the button click.
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