B4J Library [IoT] jPi4J - Raspberry Pi GPIO controller - Erel    Jun 26, 2023   (19 reactions) Updated libraries: https://www.b4x.-raspberry-pi-i-o-library.136113/#content
This is a wrapper for Pi4J library.
It allows you are control the Raspberry Pi board GPIO pins.
Using this library is quite simple. You can use it from a UI app or non-UI app.
First you should initialize a GpioController B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - kolbe (first post)    Jun 09, 2016   (1 reaction) I just uploaded version 2.07 of the IOIO library. It includes the latest commits from Ytai plus a few bug fixes and doc corrections.
For this version your IOIO should be running version 5.06 of the application firmware.
The IOIO has become a solid platform. It offers unique functionality still tod Italian IOIO - novità - MarcoRome (first post)    Jul 27, 2015 Una libreria IOIOBT è stata scritta da @agra. Forse potrebbe fare al caso tuo.
Vedi QUI B4A Library IOIO board library - kolbe (first post)    Jun 09, 2016   (2 reactions) I just uploaded version 2.07 of the IOIO library. It includes the latest commits from Ytai plus a few bug fixes and doc corrections.
For this version your IOIO should be running version 5.06 of the application firmware.
The IOIO has become a solid platform. It offers a unique functionality still t B4i Library Socket.IO Client Library - Biswajit    May 14, 2022   (10 reactions) Must be called before connecting. If you are already connected call disconnect then connect again.
Disconnect SocketIO
On successful disconnection it will raise 'OnDisconnect' event
EmitBinary (event As String, data As Object)
Same as EmitString but used to send object. Usually used to f Java Question Displayio lib problem - Douglas Farias (first post)    Jul 07, 2020   (1 reaction) A ok, i m contacted the display io and the dev helped me via skype.
the correct manifest is
<activity android:name=" B4J Library IOIO library for B4J - kolbe    Jun 14, 2016   (6 reactions) Here is a library that allows you to use the IOIO board with B4J! It's about the easiest way you'll find to access a microcontroller from your PC. Check out he wiki here.
Version: v2.07
This uses the latest java IOIOlib from Ytai. It includes all the latest bug fixes. Look at the IOIO wiki release B4A Library card.io - Johan Schoeman    Jul 16, 2017   (11 reactions) #SupportedOrientations: portrait
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
#AdditionalRes: ..\LibRes
#AdditionalRes: ..\Demores
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once w Share My Creation Simple server using SMS+Bluetooth - Beja (first post)    Mar 31, 2015 I never used IOIO because it lacks RTC. B4A Library Socket.IO Client Library - cheveguerra (first post)    Aug 26, 2021 java:134)
at io.socket.engineio.client.Transport.onData(Transport.java:126)
at io.socket.engineio.client.transports.WebSocket.access$100(WebSocket.java:24)
at io.socket.engineio.client.transports.WebSocket$2$2.run(WebSocket.java:99)
at io.socket.thread.EventThread$2.run(EventThread.j Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |