B4J Library jReflection library - agraham    Dec 22, 2013   (13 reactions) I already converted this library but I wasn't going to bother posting it as we have the JavaObje... B4J Question jReflection and SetEventHandler - canalrun    Jan 13, 2015 /#post-305781
I'm using jReflection and AddEventHandler. The problem arises when I have other....
There is another method "SetEventHandler" which is not exposed in jReflection. This method... B4J Question [jReflection] Method not found - MathiasM (first post)    Jun 17, 2021
You are calling _getname with no parameters whereas your Java fragment shows that it takes one para... German KeyPressed (jReflection) - ich komme einfach nicht zurecht - umsid (first post)    Nov 2, 2017 Tja, ich hab' jetzt so eine kleine Zwischenlösung gefunden - ist meiner Meinung nach alles andere als optimal, weil ich einen Zähler laufen habe, den ich mit jedem "Enter" umsetze - nimm... B4J Question webapp : jetty how to use setMaxTextMessageSize - billzhan    Oct 14, 2014 Hi, Jetty has limited text message size, and it can be set by setMaxTextMessageSize .Link : http://download.eclipse.org/jetty/stable-9/apidocs/org/eclipse/jetty/websocket/api/WebSocketPolicy.html#setMaxTextMessageSize(int) How can I set this with JavaObject or jReflection lib ? Thanks, bz... B4J Code Snippet B4XDialog - Add keyboard handling - Erel    Apr 7, 2019   (8 reactions) This code allows the user to close the dialog with 'escape' or one of the following keys: Y, N or C. It depends on agraham's jReflection library. Sub AddKeyPressedListener Dim r As Reflector r.Target = MainForm.RootPane r.AddEventHandler("keypressed", "javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED") End Sub Sub KeyPressed_Event (e As Event) If Dialog.Visible Then Dim jo As JavaObject = e Dim keycode As String = jo.RunMethod("getCode... B4J Library [custom view] SearchView - Erel    Jul 24, 2017   (16 reactions)   tags: B4X Searchview A custom view similar to B4A and B4i SearchView: https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/searchview.gif Depends on jReflection and JavaObject (to override the default keyboard behavior). You need to add the SearchView layout file, SearchView class and TextFlow class to your project. Usage example: Sub Process_Globals Private fx As JFX Private MainForm As Form Private SearchView1 As SearchView End Sub Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String) MainForm = Form1 MainForm... Wish Access to sslFactory in jServer or implementation of SslContextFactory reload - OliverA    Feb 25, 2021   (1 reaction) Looks like Jetty supports "hot loading" of the keystore used for HTTPS connections (necessary when trying to update certificate without having to stop/start the whole server process). In order to implement this though, I would either need access to the private sslFactory variable of jServer or (jReflection does not work in a non-JavaFX environment) a new method provided by jServer that would just reload the keystore (no logistics needed as to why and can be bare bones of just... Share My Creation Simple Database Application in B4J (a Catalog for Car Parts) - Magma    Oct 25, 2022   (19 reactions) features / or if you turn in B4A inserting some code with IF):
JReflection: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jreflection-library.35448/ for AddKeyPressedListener... for key navigation at forms... B4J Code Snippet Plotting contour lines - rbghongade    Nov 16, 2023   (7 reactions) Dear friends, Here is a code module which can plot contour lines for a function with two variables. An example use and code module is attached within the project. Please feel free to use and/or modify. There are several functions given for testing. Note that some functions in the code module depend on jReflection library. Maybe experts here can create a nice library? 147801... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |