B4A Question Default landscape orientation - Raywingit (first post)    Oct 09, 2023 I checked the accelerometer sensor on the watch, it has X = 10 when I hold it in portrait (narrow) position, and Y =10 when in landscape (wide).
This is the opposite to what I see on my phone. So the problem appears to be the watch treats USUAL orientation (which is wide-screen) as Portrait,
and B4A Question advancewebview and youtube - drgottjr (first post)    Oct 30, 2023 set supported orientation to landscape B4A Code Snippet ✅ Set any activity orientation (opposite to #SupportedOrientations) - Peter Simpson    Sep 20, 2018   (19 reactions) SubName: Set any activity to the opposite orientation used in the app.
Description: Using this line of code in your manifest allows you to set one (or more) of your projects activities to a different orientation than the default one which is set in the Main activity using #SupportedOrientations.
'S B4A Question Orientations Landscape - captain hawak    Dec 09, 2021 hello i need move panel with phone sensor Orientations and need x , y to convert position set to panel position I have seen this post before, please do not suggest https://www.b4x.-and-accelerometer.6647/ and.... B4J Library XLUtils / jPOI 5 - Read and write MS Excel workbooks - Erel (first post)    Jun 27, 2021   (3 reactions) - V2.03 - Word - Adds support for setting the page orientation to landscape.
This feature depends on poi-ooxml-full.
1. Download the jar and put it in the additional libraries folder: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/poi/poi-ooxml-full/5.0.0/poi-ooxml-full-5.0.0.jar
2. Add to main:
#Addit B4A Question landscape or portrait - NJDude (first post)    Jul 12, 2015   (6 reactions) Yes, you can set individual orientations by adding lines like this to the manifest: SetActivityAttribute(MyActivityName, android:screenOrientation, "landscape") B4A Question Phone Sensor Orientation x starting point - emexes (first post)    Jun 26, 2019   (1 reaction) I don't know, but it would not surprise me if (some) tablets regarded landscape orientation as normal, and the accelerometer axes were oriented accordingly.
And if you're running an emulator, all bets are off ;-)
On a related note: in my bang-it-up-fast code, I used orientation values 8,9,6,3,2,1, B4A Question Landscape Orientation - Declan    Jan 04, 2017 I have a Kiosk app that is displayed in Landscape Orientation.
Due to the physical/mechanical fitting of the Tablet into the Kiosk enclosure, I must rotate the display 180 degrees.
I can easily accomplish this with:
#SupportedOrientations: sensorLandscape
However, the bottom Navigationbar is also "f B4A Question Portrait orientation - Camera Landscape - William Lancee (first post)    Sep 21, 2022 In the Activity_Create sub can you add?
Dim ph As Phone
ph.SetScreenOrientation(7) Italian LANDSCAPE di Testa in Giù - LucaMs (first post)    Feb 03, 2017   (1 reaction) "sensorLandscape"Landscape orientation, but can be either normal or reverse landscape based on the device sensor. Added in API level 9. E, detto in italiano puro, ... "ecchevvordì?". Spesso la documentazione è un po' troppo sintetica, purtroppo. In questo caso, tentando una traduzione letterale, p Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |