B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AS Popup Menu - Alexander Stolte    May 1, 2024   (37 reactions) This is a simple cross platform Popup Menu. I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and... of the item aspm_MoreOptions.AddMenuItem("Share location",1)'Add item aspm_MoreOptions.AddMenuItem("Settings",2)'Add item aspm_MoreOptions.OrientationHorizontal...)'black aspm_MoreOptions.OpenMenu(xlbl_MoreOptions,150dip) ASPopupMenu Author: Alexander Stolte... Initializes the fields to their default value. ASPopupMenu Events: ItemClicked (Index As Int, Tag... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS TabMenuAdvanced - Alexander Stolte    Apr 25, 2024   (38 reactions) : AS_TabMenuAdvanced1.GetTab(2).xTab.BadgeValue = 5 'Sets the Badge Value for the 3. Tab to 5 AS_TabMenuAdvanced1.GetTab(3).xTab.Enabled = False 'Disabled the 4. Tab AS_TabMenuAdvanced1.Refresh.../ ASTabMenuAdvanced Author: Alexander Stolte Version: 1.02 ASTabMenuAdvanced_BadgeProperties Fields... the fields to their default value. ASTabMenuAdvanced_Tab Fields: BadgeValue As Int Enabled As Boolean...: Initialize Initializes the fields to their default value. ASTabMenuAdvanced_TabIntern Fields... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] HexMenu - Erel    Dec 23, 2019   (28 reactions) Cross platform hexagons menu implemented as a custom view: https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/pQtXvSJZQ0.gif Can show up to 7 items. B4A project is attached. Class is supported by B4J and B4i as well. Depends on XUI and BitmapCreator libraries. Example with gradient stroke: https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/i_view64_Ihv7fjyBRn.png Version with gradient stroke: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-hexmenu.112410/#post-700941... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS FloatingActionMenu - Alexander Stolte    May 28, 2024   (14 reactions) . :) 153889 153890 153891 FloatingActionMenu.Initialize(Me,"FloatingActionMenu",Root) FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #1",Null,0) FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #2",Null,1) FloatingActionMenu.AddItem("Item #3",Null,2) Dim Height As Float = FloatingActionMenu.ItemProperties.Height*FloatingActionMenu.Size Dim Left As Float = xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Left + xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Width + 10dip Dim Top As Float = xlbl_OpenMenuDark.Top... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS BottomActionMenu - Alexander Stolte    Feb 24, 2024   (14 reactions) by Paypal or with a coffee. :) 147931147932147933 BottomActionMenu.Initialize(Me,"BottomDatePicker",Root) BottomActionMenu.AddItem("WhatsApp",BottomActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xF232),False,30,BottomActionMenu.TextColor),"") BottomActionMenu.AddItem("Twitter",BottomActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xF099),False,30,BottomActionMenu.TextColor),"") BottomActionMenu.AddItem("Instagram",BottomActionMenu.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xF16D... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS FlowTabMenu - Alexander Stolte    Feb 24, 2024   (27 reactions) than on the gif 123579 ASFlowTabMenu1.AddTab(ASFlowTabMenu1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xF015),False,20,xui.Color_White),"Home") ASFlowTabMenu1.AddTab(ASFlowTabMenu1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE7F4),True,20,xui.Color_White),"Notifications") ASFlowTabMenu1.AddTab(ASFlowTabMenu1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE8B8),True,20,xui.Color_White),"Settings") 'ASFlowTabMenu1.AddTab(ASFlowTabMenu1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xF015),False,20,xui.Color_White),"Test 4") ASFlowTabMenu Author: Alexander... B4J Library [XUI] [B4X] SD_CosmosMenu - Star-Dust    May 21, 2022   (26 reactions) 128806 129432 Log Rel. 1.01 Possibility to choose whether to add a light effect or not Rel. 1.02 Possibility to insert the first sphere in the center Rel. 1.03 Button animated SD_CosmosMenu Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.03 SD_CosmosMenu Events: Click (ID As String) LongClick (ID As String) Fields: mBase As B4XView Tag As Object Functions: Class_Globals As String Clear As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String Base type must be Object... B4A Library [Moved] WobbleMenu - Brandsum    May 30, 2020   (59 reactions)   tags: B4X XUI bottom navigation, B4X-01, tab menu Moved to https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-wobblemenu-a-cross-platform-animated-bottom-navigation.118412/... B4A Library Droppy - Dropdown Menu - DonManfred    Jul 22, 2017   (23 reactions)   tags: drop menu this is a wrap for this Github project. Droppy Version: 1 DroppyMenuItemView Methods: Initialize... Properties: ChildCount As Int DroppyMenuPopup Events: onClicked (view As Object, index As Int... As Boolean addMenuItem (item As String) As DroppyMenuPopupBuilderWrapper addMenuItem2 (item As String, resource As String) As DroppyMenuPopupBuilderWrapper addMenuItem3 (view As View) As DroppyMenuPopupBuilderWrapper addSeparator As DroppyMenuPopupBuilderWrapper addclickcallback... B4J Library Menu Manager - stevel05    Aug 24, 2022   (15 reactions)   tags: code, B4J Menu Tool, menu Since this was written the access to menu items in B4j has changed, making this library largely redundant. I will leave it here for interest as there is some code in it that extends the menus. Create menu's in code for menubar and context menus. This library supports Text Menu Items, Checkbox Menu items, Custom menu items and menu dividers. Features: Add Icons to menu items. Image... can be compiled to a library if required. Update: Fixes a bug when adding a tooltip on a MenuCustomClass... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |