B4A Class mysql_php class - easy way to connect webservice (security https & gzcompress) - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 09, 2017   (1 reaction) this extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0,
Additionally you are suppressing any error. B4A Example FREE Source Code's ! - ilan (first post)    May 19, 2016   (12 reactions) MySql+PHP (b4j/b4a/b4i) here is a simple example of how to use mysql+php. this example icludes 2 screens: * Login Screen * Data Preview Screen (Read,Delete,Edit,Count,Insert) ** all free sources from me are free for personal use only, you may not sell them or publish them on your site or any foru Share My Creation [PHP] [MySQL] [API] User Login App - aeric    Aug 16, 2024   (31 reactions) Web API
Latest B4XPages user login client apps (using B4J server):
Older project:
94119 94118
Android App
9410794 Share My Creation MySQL + PHP incl. Source Code - ilan    Jan 13, 2016   (6 reactions) i assume that most of you allready know mysql+php very well but for me it was a very new topic so maybe this example could help also to other newbies like me :)
(Note that you can use this code also in b4a and b4i !!)
you have 3 php files:
Login, Get/Edit/Add/Delete from db and a mydetails php
y B4J Tutorial [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Create Professional Looking Vuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano - Mashiane (first post)    Aug 25, 2021   (1 reaction) BANanoVuetifyAD3 MySQL Connect.
This enables one to test MySQL connections to any backend, it uses PHP internally.
9PXu301aI24 B4A Question Mysql and B4A - KMatle (first post)    Apr 07, 2021   (2 reactions) No. It always depends on the solution.
See here as a start (if you want to use PHP as a middleare. Big plus on PHP is that it is supported on any (even cheap hosted servers): https://www.b4x.-mysql-php-example.96790/
It's all about calling a php script running under Apache on a server (XAMPP is B4A Question MySql+PHP invisible characters - DonManfred (first post)    Nov 12, 2021 Make sure the php file is UTF8 encoded. WITH NO BOM!
Post a hexdump of the result you get from PHP-File.
Alternatively upload the php-Script. Spanish [SOLUCIONADO]Erro: Internal Server Error ¿Hosting? - josejad (first post)    Nov 10, 2020   (1 reaction) Claro, mira:
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
mysql_connect — Abre una conexión al servidor MySQL
Esta extensión fue declarada obsoleta en PHP 5.5.0 y eliminada en PHP 7.0.0. En su lugar debería utilzarse las extensiones MySQLi o PDO_MySQL. Véase también la guía MySQL: elegir una API y sus B4A Question Mashy Teaches WebApp/Website Development with BANanoVuetifyAD3 - The New Series - Mashiane (first post)    Mar 11, 2022   (1 reaction) BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Fullstack WebApp using Vuetify & MySQL PHP
In this example (which is 99.9% similar in code with the previous one) we use MySQL php. We change the database type in the data-source, update the mysqlconfig.php file, so that our app knows where to perform CRUD and run our code.
v3t- B4A Question DB Mysql in Website - PHP is still the best way? - Erel (first post)    Jan 01, 2018   (1 reaction) There is another option. Search for JdbcSQL.
It allows you to connect directly to the database server.
Whether it is better or not depends on your specific requirements. If it is an internal application then it might be better. I wouldn't use it with a consumer app. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |