B4A Question Q about net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver MSSQL - aeric (first post)    Jul 28, 2023   (1 reaction) I think you better post the actual code of a small project. B4i Question Multiplayer game (Net) - Erel (first post)    Jan 25, 2015   (1 reaction) You need to run an online server. You can use iWebSocket library together with B4J WebSocket server to implement it. B4A Library New Net library - Android FTP, SMTP and POP3 - Erel    Feb 14, 2021   (21 reactions) The Net library supports FTP, SMTP and POP3 protocols. This library replaces the FTP library. Both regular connections and SSL connections are supported.
SMTP - Allows to directly connect to SMTP mail servers and send mails, including Html messages and attachments.
POP3 - Allows to directly connect B4A Question net.hostname with reflector - energeticaserranopolis    May 05, 2015 Hello, I found this code that returns the net.hostname. I need to adapt it for use with B4a.
Can anyone help me?
Public static String getHostName(String defValue) {
Try {
Method getString = Build.class.getDeclaredMethod("getString", String.class);
getString.setAccessible(True); B4A Library xSQLCipher for Android Sqlcipher 4.5.4 - tummosoft (first post)    Mar 02, 2024 Yes, the library has namespace is net.zetetic.database.
Many users are experiencing issues with this library. Unfortunately, no readily available solution seems to exist. I've even attempted the author's recommended approach involving the relinker library, but the problem persists. B4A Question Net (Ftp) How to call useful functions inside the java source - Erel (first post)    Feb 15, 2021 Moved to the questions forum. B4A Question where can I find net.lib 1.7 or greater - Patrick Fahey (first post)    Nov 29, 2017 I'm a little obtuse but
I have downloaded the lib listed in the thread several times and have installed it and all I get is version 1.62.
I'm sorry if I seem needy but there isn't much information out there and the forum leaves a little to be desired.
if I am looking incorrectly or if I am proces B4A Question The simple inclusion of the 'Net' Library causes malware detection - Almora (first post)    Feb 12, 2023 this is found on Huawei devices. actually it is not a virus. it is found in some users.
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/evo‐gen-virus.136189/#post-863397 Wish B4A Version For Mac - techknight (first post)    Oct 11, 2016 Appears now that .NET is released on the Macintosh about a year ago with limitations which I am sure will be fixed over time. So its viable. B4A Question Net Library not recognized - clooney48 (first post)    May 17, 2015 This is what I downloaded (Net.zip contains Net.jar and Net.xml). But I don´t see a "Net lib 1.53" in the right panel!? Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |