B4A Library FirebaseNotifications - Push messages / Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) - Erel    Jun 26, 2023   (47 reactions)   tags: Fcm, Firebase, Push, Messaging Updated tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-firebase-push-notifications-2023.148715/ 260077923 Clarification: The nice thing about FCM is that your app doesn't need to run....67692/ Make sure to add the Notifications snippet. You should also reference FirebaseAnalytics 2...) Log($"Message data: ${Message.GetData}"$) Dim n2 As Notification n2.Initialize2... will be raised whenever a message is received. In this case we show a notification. You can do whatever... B4A Library NB6 - Notifications Builder - Erel    Dec 25, 2023   (63 reactions)   tags: B4A Notifications NB6, Background, SDK, B4A Notifications, NotificationBuilder Class, B4A Background For a long time there were two ways for B4A developers to show notifications: - Simple notifications with the built-in Notification object. - More complex notifications with barx's NotificationBuilder library. Thank you barx for all your work!!! The notifications features changed... with the introduction of notification channels. The built-in Notification object was rewritten in B4A v8 to work properly with all versions. This is a good option if you are interested in simple notifications... Other Firebase Notifications & Firebase Auth Issues - Erel    Jun 17, 2018   (10 reactions)   tags: Firebase There were two issues recently with FirebaseNotifications and FirebaseAuth. Both issues were resolved. The purpose of this post is to make things clear as you will find older posts with now incorrect solutions. The correct solution is: 1. Open B4A Sdk Manager and update all recommended items (including firebase-auth). 2. Update FirebaseAuth and FirebaseAnalytics: https://www.b4x.com/android... then you should update FirebaseNotifications: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/updates-to... B4A Library NotificationListener library (NotificationListenerService) - Erel    Jul 7, 2024   (17 reactions)   tags: notification The NotificationListener library allows you to access the device notifications. With this library you can listen to new notifications and removed notifications. You can also clear existing notifications. There are some steps that you need to follow in order to use this feature: - Make sure... the libraries folder. - Add a Service module named NotificationService (must be this exact name...="anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.NotificationListenerWrapper" android:label="Notification... B4i Tutorial FirebaseNotifications / Push Messages (server not required) - Erel    Jun 26, 2023   (6 reactions)   tags: Erel Updated tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-firebase-push-notifications-2023.148715/ The configuration steps are still relevant. 261132706 Firebase Notifications service makes... anywheresoftware.b4i.push. Enable push notification service. 2. Create an Apple Push Notification SSL certificate....RootPanel.Color = Colors.White NavControl.ShowPage(Page1) App.RegisterUserNotifications(True, True, True) App.RegisterForRemoteNotifications fm.Initialize("fm") End Sub Private Sub... B4A Tutorial [B4X] Firebase Push Notifications 2023+ - Erel    Jul 25, 2023   (29 reactions) Google has deprecated the previous method of sending push notifications. It will stop working on June 2024. If you have an already working solution then you only need to update the B4J side. Do make... the attached project. 3. The notification is created in FirebaseMessaging receiver. Note that in debug... there (RemoteNotification and PushToken). Notes 1. In iOS the notification popup only appears while the app is not in the foreground. You can UserNotificationCenter to change this behavior (search and... B4A Code Snippet Notifications permission with targetSdkVersion = 33 - Erel    Jun 6, 2023   (23 reactions) showing notifications. When targetSdkVersion < 33, the OS will show the permission dialog automatically before the notification is displayed. Once we switch to targetSdkVersion=33 we are responsible for... that targetSdkVersion >= 33 Private Sub CheckAndRequestNotificationPermission As ResumableSub... NotificationsManager As JavaObject = ctxt.RunMethod("getSystemService", Array("notification")) Dim NotificationsEnabled As Boolean = NotificationsManager.RunMethod... B4i Tutorial Push notifications - Erel    Jun 21, 2022   (8 reactions) -required.68645/ Old, don't use: B4i v1.50 added support for push notifications. Push notifications... of the push app. For example anywheresoftware.b4i.push. Enable push notification service. 2. Create an Apple Push Notification SSL certificate. Use the same certSigningRequest.csr file that you previously... notifications. This is done with this code: App.RegisterUserNotifications(True, True, True) 'allow badge, sound and alert App.RegisterForRemoteNotifications The PushToken event will be raised... B4i Tutorial Notifications with actions - Erel    Sep 18, 2024   (9 reactions) of actions to the push notifications. The list becomes visible when the user 3d touches the notification or drags it with two fingers. Note that it is an iOS 10+ feature. Before you start make sure to first implement the standard push notifications and see that they work with the B4J code. Steps to add actions: 1. Add this code at the end of the main module: #AdditionalLib: UserNotifications.framework #if OBJC #import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h> @end @interface b4i_main... Bug? iTopNotification cutted out [Library] - Mike1970    Dec 6, 2019 Hi, I tried out the iTopNotification Library. The problem is that for the iPhones with the notch, the notification is showing cutted out: 86135... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |