B4A Question Okhttputils2 (v 2.96) - Android 4.4.2 - javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: SSL handshake aborted - DonManfred (first post)    May 08, 2022   (2 reactions) The new okhttputils2 Library depends on a newer okhttp library which needs Android 5+. B4J Library OkHttpUtils2 - Erel    Oct 20, 2019   (9 reactions) jOkHttpUtils2 is a b4x lib included with B4J. The source code is inside the library (it is a zip file). B4J Question HttpJob in Libraries - Erel (first post)    Dec 06, 2020 OkHttpUtils2 is a b4xlib. Such libs can only be referenced from b4xlibs => you should make your library a b4xlib. B4A Question Push notification from wordpress to Android e iOS using firebase - DonManfred (first post)    Jan 07, 2023 Inform about okhttputils2 B4A Tutorial [B4X] Features that Erel recommends to avoid - Erel    Dec 06, 2023   (89 reactions) Downloading / making http requests with any other library or source other than OkHttpUtils2 (=iHttpUtils2) -> OkHttpUtils2 OkHttpUtils2 is very powerful and can be extended in many ways, without modifying the source. It is also very simple to use. Shared modules folder -> referenced modules The s B4A Question New OkHttpUtils2 (v 3.02) gives "sending message to waiting queue of uninitialized activity (submitjob)" errors - PJLPJLPJL (first post)    Mar 07, 2023 Thank you Erel. Just to be utterly clear, the correct usage is that OkHttpUtils2 requests can be made in any service in a B4XPages project (but not in any activity including B4XMainPage) but in a non-B4xPages project (eg. a widget) must be made in Starter.
Again, thanks and best wishes. B4A Question Code Snippets - klaus (first post)    Dec 11, 2023   (2 reactions) The OKHttpUtils2 library is a b4xlib library and it contains two code snippets which belong to the b4xlib !
You can add your own snippets or from others and save them in the additional libraries B4X\Snippets folder.
B4xlib library developers can add snippets specific to their library by adding a Sni B4A Question Two versions of OkHttpUtils in the same application? - DonManfred (first post)    Aug 08, 2023   (1 reaction) The actual Version is okhttputils2 and okhttp. Both belong together. B4J Question jOkHttpUtils2 2.96 - Erel (first post)    Apr 11, 2021   (4 reactions) OkHttpUtils2 = jOkHttpUtils2 = iHttpUtils2
The library was updated when B4A v10.7 was released. It will be included in the next versions of B4i and B4J.
It is also attached. B4A Library OkHttpUtils2 v3.02 - Erel    Mar 22, 2023   (26 reactions) All previous versions of OkHttpUtils2 relied on a service. As it is no longer possible to start services when the app starts in the background, this configuration is problematic and it will fail in such cases (https://www.b4x.-and-httpjob.146181).
In the new version HttpUtils2Service is actually a r Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |