B4A Library [B4X] PocketBase - Open Source backend in 1 file - Alexander Stolte    Feb 22, 2025   (17 reactions) 161032
PocketBase was created to assist building self-contained applications that can run on a single server without requiring to install anything in addition.
The basic idea is that the common functionality like crud, auth, files upload, auto TLS, etc. are handled out of the box, allowing you to fo B4A Example [B4X] PocketBase - Storage - Alexander Stolte    Feb 10, 2025   (5 reactions) Log(Pocketbase_Functions.GetFileExt("TestFile.mp4")) MultipartFileData This is the object that is passed to upload a file, you can also use the Pocketbase_Functions.CreateMultipartFileData(File.DirAssets, “test.jpg”, “Task_Image”,“”)) function. Dim FileData As MultipartFileData FileData.Ini B4A Example [B4X] PocketBase - Database CRUD - Alexander Stolte    Jan 26, 2025   (5 reactions) Database.PrintTable(DatabaseResult) DELETE Wait For (xPocketbase.Database.DeleteData.Collection("dt_Task").Execute("43r7071wtp30l5h")) Complete (Result As PocketbaseError) B4A Example [B4X] PocketBase - Deleting files - Alexander Stolte    Feb 10, 2025   (4 reactions) FieldName: The field that contains the file. RecordID: The ID of the record. Description: This method deletes all files associated with a specific field by setting its value to an empty string (""). Conclusion With these three methods, you can manage file deletions in PocketBase efficiently: De B4J Tutorial [Web] PocketBase - running multiple instances in the same machine - different ports - Mashiane    Sep 13, 2023   (3 reactions) Hi Download PocketBase By default, after configuring PocketBase, i.e. the SQLite WebServer, it can run on port 8090 when you start it and use it for your back-ends. 145823 I have just learned that you can run multiple instances of PocketBase on the same machine and on different ports. 1. Ensure B4J Library [Web]PocketBase Hooks Collection - Mashiane    Jul 27, 2024   (1 reaction) Hi Fam
This will be a collection of useful hooks to use with pocketbase.
The hooks should be saved in the pb_hooks folder of your pocketbase server. Create js files with the respective routes and restart the server.
What is PocketBase?
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PocketBase is a SQLite Webserver with some powerful functionality. Whilst it provides functionality to be a database, it also has a nice UI to manage that database. You can host it locally and also run it on a VPS. It does not support shared hosting.
1. Download and unzip this rep B4A Example [B4X] PocketBase - Authentification - Alexander Stolte    Jan 29, 2025   (1 reaction) https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-pocketbase-open-source-backend-in-1-file.165213/#content Please read the official documentation about auth in pocketbase: https://pocketbase.io/docs/authentication/ PocketBase authentication allows you to register users, log them in, manage their sessi B4A Tutorial [B4X] PocketBase - How to reach api via smartphone on the same network when hosted locally - Alexander Stolte    Feb 10, 2025   (1 reaction) To solve this, the Pocketbase api must be started with the following parameter: pocketbase serve --http= Explanation: makes the server listen on all network interfaces (not just localhost) :8090 specifies the port (you can change it if needed) If you are using a firewall or Win B4J Tutorial Pocketbase CRUD REST API & SSE with PostMan and then HttpUtils - Mashiane    Jan 15, 2024   (8 reactions) Hi
CRUD Examples Attached
PocketBase is an open source backend consisting of embedded database (SQLite) with realtime subscriptions, built-in users management, convenient dashboard UI and simple REST-ish API.
It runs on Linux, Windows and Mac, You can get it here, https://pocketbase.io/
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