B4J Question call a Python script in Raspberry Pi - wonder (first post)    Jun 27, 2017 Note that print() is a Python 3+ function. In Python 2.7 print is a statement. Examples: #Python 2.7.x print "Hello world!" #Python 3.x print("Hello world!") http://sebastianraschka..html B4J Library B4j Print JavaFX8 - stevel05    Oct 19, 2023   (34 reactions) Here is a B4j library written in B4j to access the full Printer modules provided with JavaFX8. Full source code is available.
At it's simplest, you can print a node using:
Dim P As Printer = Printer_Static.GetDefaultPrinter
Dim PJ As PrinterJob = PrinterJob_Static.CreatePrinterJob2(P)
B4J Code Snippet B4j Print JavaFX8 Create custom paper - stevel05    Sep 28, 2022   (7 reactions) To use in Java 9+ you will need to add to the top of your Main Module:
#VirtualMachineArgs: --add-opens javafx.graphics/javafx.print=ALL-UNNAMED
#VirtualMachineArgs: --add-opens javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.print=ALL-UNNAMED
To package the app you will also need:
#PackagerProperty : VMArgs = --ad B4J Library Printer Example - Print text with the jFX8 Printer library - stevel05    May 16, 2023   (9 reactions) This is an example of printing text using the jFX8 Print library with TextFlow and Text class objects.
By parsing the text and measuring and creating text classes per line as required by wrapping it creates multiple pages and prints them to one print job.
There are also options to break on word, h B4J Code Snippet Print files via jShell and a VBS script (Windows only) - KMatle    Feb 10, 2021   (4 reactions) I use this VBS script to print all files in a folder on the standard printer (in my case PDF-files). Windows recognizes the file type and uses the defined program (e.g. Acrobat for PDFs) to print the files. You can easily add some functions (use Google to find out how) like getting the names of all B4A Question directly print - Erel (first post)    Nov 12, 2018 There are two ways to print:
1. With a Bluetooth printer. Requires implementing the relevant protocol (search the forum there are several examples).
2. With a printer adapter. You cannot skip the settings page with this one. B4A Library Printing and Pdf creation - Erel    May 18, 2020   (54 reactions) Printing
The printing feature is based on the OS printing framework. Most popular printers are supported. You do need to first install a printer plug-in.
For example to print to a HP printer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hp.android.printservice
Cannon: https://play.goo B4J Library [B4j] Javax print wrapper for UI and non-UI apps. - stevel05    Oct 31, 2022   (9 reactions) The example projects print to the system default printer so make sure that a virtual PDF printer is selected to save paper. Or see the commented code in the sub PrintImagePrinterJobDo to set the attributes to print to a specific printer. B4A Question WebView calls windows.print() - qey    Aug 03, 2022 In my application, we open a webview page to display document. Inside the webview have a print button which will call javascript the windows.print() funtion. Currently its only working in browser but not in a webview. Any advice? B4A Question Printing Framework. print directly to printer - santiago    Mar 13, 2023 Hello.
I need to print directly to printer , not show a preview and print. It takes too much time
I use the print framework with this function
Sub CreateWebPrintJob (wv As WebView)
Dim jwv As JavaObject = wv
Dim jPrintManager As JavaObject = jwv.RunMethodJO("getContext", Null).RunMethod("g Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |