Wish ProgressDialogShow in XUI - Erel (first post)    Jul 08, 2021   (2 reactions) There are several cross platform progress indicators, including AnotherProgressBar in XUI Views. It should be very simple to create a dialog with such progress bar and use it with B4XDialog. B4A Question ProgressDialogShow different behavior from B4i - jahswant (first post)    Apr 10, 2022   (1 reaction) Create a custom layout with a label and a loading indicator and use B4xdialog to load it. B4A Question Toastmessage with turning circle - JonPM (first post)    Nov 30, 2015   (5 reactions) ProgressDialogShow? B4A Question Progress dialog (showing a progress bar) - Sergio Castellari    Oct 09, 2021 Currently I use "ProgressDialogShow" to display a wait box while a process finishes. It works perfect.
But you would need some kind of Dialog that can display a progress bar or display different text during the process.
Is there such a thing?
Any code examples?
Total hugs! B4i Question progressdialog disappear - Erel (first post)    Mar 19, 2023 You should call ProgressDialogShow once, before the loop starts. B4A Question sql and ProgressDialogShow - Xfood (first post)    Jun 01, 2021   (1 reaction) 'launches
ProgressDialogShow("Loading Data...")
sleep (0)
select ........
insert .......
ProgressDialogHide B4A Question SQLite: preventing multiple calls to BeginTransaction - Alex_197 (first post)    May 23, 2021 also use ProgressDialogShow2 ProgressDialogShow2 (Text As CharSequence, Cancelable As Boolean) Shows a dialog with a circular spinning bar and the specified text. Unlike Msgbox and InputList methods, the code will not block. You should call ProgressDialogHide to remove the dialog. Cancelable - Whe B4A Question Webview - ProgressDialogshow - JohnC (first post)    Apr 06, 2020   (4 reactions) ProgressDialogShow("Loading Page...")
Sub wv_PageFinished (Url As String)
End Sub B4A Question ProgressDialogShow is making status bar disappear - Alberto Iglesias    Feb 19, 2020 Hello everyone!
Anyone has this behaviour before?
After call ProgressDialogShow("Aguarde...") the status bar is disapearing!
Without this line, statur bar is working fine.
Call ProgressDialogShow
Any ideas why this is happening?
Is look like something with d Italian Dialog pseudo modale. - sirjo66 (first post)    Jun 12, 2022 Se il tuo codice deve girare solo su B4A puoi usare semplicemente
....... routine
Dai anche un occhio alla differenza tra ProgressDialogShow e ProgressDialogShow2 Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |