B4R Library Adafruit RGB Led Matrix - Erel    Jun 30, 2017   (6 reactions) rAdafruitRGBMatrix is a wrapper for: https://github.com/adafruit/RGB-matrix-Panel Example: Sub Process_Globals Public Serial1 As Serial Private matrix As RGBmatrixPanel End Sub Private Sub AppStart Serial1.Initialize(115200) Log("AppStart") Dim p As Pin 'ignore matrix.Initialize B4R Library rAdafruitRGBMatrix with WS2812 - Erel (first post)    Nov 16, 2018 You will need to do some research. rAdafruitRGB wraps this project: https://github.com/adafruit/RGB-matrix-Panel B4R Question Adafruit RGB Led Matrix 64x32 - Erel (first post)    Jun 29, 2017   (1 reaction) Please try this code:
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private matrix As RGBmatrixPanel
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
Dim p As Pin 'ignore
matrix.Initialize32(p.A0, p.A1, p.A2, p.A3, 11, 10, 9, False, 64)
matrix.FillScreen( B4R Tutorial Erels B4R Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3 - Mashiane    Apr 27, 2021   (5 reactions) - B4r Led - Rledcontrol Library - B4r Led - Rmax7219ledmatrix Library - B4r Led - Tm1637 - 4 Digits Display Library - B4r Motor - Radafruitmotorshield (v2) Library - B4r Motor - Stepper Motors Library - B4r Sensor - Bmp180 - Pressure And Temperature Library - B4r Sensor - Dht11 & Dht22 Library - B4r B4R Question AddLibrary to B4r - labcold (first post)    Aug 09, 2017 Mmmm curious - I got this file - now I have the right one its OK Well guess I should drink more coffee before doing Java :P Thank you for replying so quickly, I really appreciate it!! btw what I was getting at was wouldnt it be easier for the community if you had the latest version of the wrapped l B4R Question i dont know how to add a reference - Stephan Leith    Feb 18, 2018 i dont know how to add a reference to rAdafruitRGBMatrix and rAdafruitGFX. I put the file in a additional library folder 64815 (i remove the xml file ) and I do not see in library manager ??? B4R Library rAdafruitBMP280 - BMP280 temperature & pressure sensor - Erel    Nov 27, 2016   (1 reaction) This is a wrapper for Adafruit BMP280 library: https://github.
Usage example:
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private bmp As Adafruit_BMP280
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
If bmp.Initialize Then
Log(b C/C++ Question Array as method argument in B4R wrapper - Blueforcer    Nov 16, 2018 Hello, I'd like to create a wrapper around the Adafruit NeoMatrix library that also includes some of the GFX functions that are not yet wrapped in the default rAdafruitGFX wrapper. One of the functions I want to wrap is drawRGBBitmap which accepts an array of uint16_t as one of its arguments. (See B4R Library rAdafruitNeoPixel (based on neopixel lib V1.3.1) - Siam    Nov 12, 2019   (8 reactions) Hello,
i Have modified the rAdafruit Neopixel Library and added some new features (@Erel hope this is ok for you?)
This Library is Based on https://github. V. 1.3.1
I Have test this Library with the ESP 8266 and i Hope it will work on other Platforms too!
See the Video and my Demo Code for more de B4R Library rAdafruitSSD1306 - OLED displays - Erel    Aug 16, 2016   (13 reactions) This is a wrapper for this open source project: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_SSD1306
It depends on rAdafruitGFX library: https://www.b4x..68904/
It allows drawing graphics and text on supported monochrome OLED modules.
I've tested it with an I2C module. You need to pass the I2C address (d Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |