B4A Tutorial android.jar / targetSdkVersion / minSdkVersion - Erel    Oct 18, 2023   (93 reactions) - notifications icons colors are ignored. Alpha levels used as a mask.
- 23 - runtime permissions (https://www.b4x.-permissions-android-6-0-permissions.67689/#content)
- 23 - Setting system settings require special handling - WRITE_SETTINGS permission (https://www.b4x.-write_settings.94311/#post-596 B4i Code Snippet Control ringer volume - JackKirk    Mar 28, 2016   (1 reaction) (2) You can not set the ringer volume to absolute 0 - if you try it will reset itself to about 0.1 - this is identical behaviour to when you manually minimize ringer volume with the volume up/down buttons on the top left of the phone. (3) This only gives control of ringer volume - for control of ge B4i Question Current Ringer Volume - gregchao    Jun 18, 2020 Does anyone know how to get the current ringer volume? I found a post in which you can set it but not sense it (see below).
https://www.b4x.-ringer-volume.65140/ B4A Question Set Volume- error - kisoft    May 12, 2018 Hi everyone
I use this code to set the ringtone volume to the maximum value
Dim p As Phone
' p.SetMute(p.VOLUME_RING,False)
p.SetVolume(p.VOLUME_RING, p.GetMaxVolume(p.VOLUME_RING), False)
Unfortunately, this error appears on Lg G6 ( SDK "26")
Error occurred on line: 287 (Main)
ja B4i Question Disable the Voice of take picture ? - JackKirk (first post)    Mar 28, 2016 I have a solution for controlling volume of "ringer" or "ringtones/alerts" - incoming phone call, SMS arrivals, other notifications AND pseudo camera shutter sound:
Regards... B4A Tutorial Audio Ringbuffer - Midimaster    Sep 26, 2020   (11 reactions) volume=Volume
End Sub
The Starter-Module
#Region Service Attributes
#StartAtBoot: False
#ExcludeFromLibrary: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Public AudioOut As AudioStreamer
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
'This is the program entry point.
'This is a good B4i Question SetVolume/GetVolume -> B4i - JackKirk (first post)    Mar 28, 2016 I have 2 volume control solutions:
(1) "General audio" - music, TTS etc:
(2) "Ringer" or "ringtones/alerts" - incoming phone call, SMS arrivals, other notifications AND pseudo camera shutter sound:
Regards... B4i Question [SOLVED?] Equivalent of B4A Phone/SetVolume/GetVolume/VOLUME_MUSIC - JackKirk (first post)    Mar 28, 2016 I have 2 volume control solutions:
(1) "General audio" - music, TTS etc:
(2) "Ringer" or "ringtones/alerts" - incoming phone call, SMS arrivals, other notifications AND pseudo camera shutter sound:
Regards... B4i Code Snippet Control general audio volume - JackKirk    Mar 28, 2016   (3 reactions) " - if you look closely at the code at the bottom of the - (float) audiovol_get Objective C method you will see that I could only ever get a value of 0 returned. I could only test on my iPhone 4s running iOS 9.3 and there are some google hits that suggest that is broken in iOS 9, for example: htt B4A Question Volume in RingtoneManager - vbmundo    Oct 01, 2016 Hi,
RingtoneManager is a great tool, but all Ringtones be played with the maximum volume.
I put this code before run the RingtoneManager but doesn't work.
Dim VolumenNuevo As Int
VolumenNuevo=Telefono.Get Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |