B4J Library [B4X] jPictureBox (image rotate & zoom / movie resize) - Tayfur    Feb 12, 2019   (17 reactions) Hello all;
This is as image and basic movie viewer. it can enlarge or reduce the size of the pictures and movies. It can rotate only pictures to the right or left. You can also make full screen.The Contex menu is available in the menu itself, but you can add your own.
I added an example; its very B4J Question Possible to rotate an image in imageview? - MrKim (first post)    Jul 03, 2020   (3 reactions) Well, I started this thread to solve another part of the problem which was saving the image rotated and it wound up being the fix for both. Instead of using imageview.Rotation = XX or PictureImg.SetRotationAnimated(5, XX)
this works better:
Dim X As B4XBitmap = PictureImg.GetBitmap
X = X.Rot B4A Question Rotate ImageView - klaus (first post)    Aug 10, 2023   (3 reactions) Yes you can.
Declare the ImageView as a B4XView and you can rotate it.
ImageView1.Rotation = 10
Or, if you declared the ImageView as an ImageView you could use this:
ImageView1.As(B4XView).Rotation = 10 B4A Question Card flip (flip between 2 images) - Peter Simpson (first post)    Jan 28, 2020   (4 reactions) I believe that you need to create it yourself from scratch if you are going to use BitmapCreator.
Okay, in that case you should use the SD XUIView library by Star-Dust, there is a function called rotate.
Using the first image you should rotate AngleY 180° with a timer, when AngleY reaches 90°, repl B4J Question B4J, B4i, B4A Rotate image and save it so it loads correctly the next time. - Erel (first post)    Jun 30, 2020   (2 reactions) You should write B4X in the thread title.
You can use bmp = bmp.Rotate to rotate an image. B4A Question CameraExClass and orientation - Erel (first post)    Feb 20, 2024 I think that your best (most reliable) option is to let the user rotate the image. It should be simple to implement with B4XBitmap.Rotate B4A Question Solved [B4X] B4XImageView - Possible to rotate image by 90 degrees? - Erel (first post)    Oct 22, 2020   (3 reactions) B4XImageView1.mBase.Rotation = 90 B4J Question [Solved] Rotating an image through 20 degrees - Erel (first post)    Oct 09, 2020   (1 reaction) This code, taken from X2 framework, use XUI2D to calculate this:
Private Sub FindRotatedRect(Input As BitmapCreator, Degrees As Int) As B4XRect
Transform.Angle = X2.DegreesToB2Angle(Degrees)
RectShape.SetAsBox(Input.mWidth / 2, Input.mHeight / 2)
RectShape.ComputeAABB(OutputAABB, Transf B4A Question Rotate a certain image contained in a folder from code - Erel (first post)    Dec 21, 2017   (1 reaction) Dim b As Bitmap = LoadBitmap(...).Rotate(90)
Dim out As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(...)
Consider using LoadBitmapResize instead of LoadBitmap if the image files can be large. B4i Question Image.Rotate Strange behavior - Mike1970    Dec 18, 2020 Hi everyone.
From today the instruction .Rotate for a bitmap is behaving in a strange way.
I think the only thing changed is that I update to iOS 14.3.
My tests
The code
Sub Cam_Complete(Success As Boolean, Image as Bitmap, VideoPath As String)
If Success Then
If Image.IsInitialized Th Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |