B4A Question Saving Images Online/ to Database - Erel (first post)    Apr 24, 2015 It depends on the image size. If the images are not too large then saving the images in the database may be the best option.
The other option is to save the image as a file and store the file name in the database. B4A Question What is the best practice for taking pictures, saving it, and uploading it to a server if I have full control? - Sandman (first post)    Aug 09, 2023 I agree: don't shove the image into the database. (*)
An adjacent solution could be to save the image with a temporary, unique filename and then storing that filename in the database. It might not be needed in your situation, but perhaps it can also make things easier if you have that info in there B4A Question [SOLVED] Problem with SQLite and image in table - Mahares (first post)    Aug 22, 2020   (3 reactions) First you need to make sure the data base is saved from File.DirAssets to File.DirInternal before you can save to it. You cannot access a database in assets folder. Your code does not say where the database is saved.
Second. make sure you close the output stream when done with it:
OutputStream1.clos B4A Question Load Database into the ListView - emexes (first post)    Sep 14, 2019   (2 reactions) Another approach to storing images is to save them as regular files, and just store the image filename in the database.
Upside is simplicity and ease of debugging: you can browse the images with whatever file manager your OS provides, and you can reasonably load the database into Excel or whatever. B4A Question How to Insert a picture into MySQL database - drgottjr (first post)    Apr 08, 2020   (1 reaction) based on what you said before, you are already uploading the image. presumably, successfully. yes? so you already know how to do that part.
when the image arrives you save it somewhere on your server. can you do that? what's its name? where did you save it? (eg "/dbfiles/section1/123456.jpg") B4A Question Save Image in local 'DirAssets' to Remote MS SQL Database using JdbcSQL - Jakes72    Feb 13, 2019 Hi Guys,
Please could someone help me out. I am trying to save a local image into my remote SQL Server database.
I want to save the image to a record that already exists to a column of type varbinary(MAX). Not sure if this is the right type?
Also I give the sub the Tablename, the ColumnName where B4A Question save image in the database through the camera of the device - MarcioCC    Jan 27, 2016 good night, someone has an example of how to save an image in the database (SQLLite) taken through the camera of the device ??
Example: I have a Fimes table with an image field want to take the picture from the movie and direct play in the image field.
How do I do that?? B4A Question Mashy Teaches Low Code Vue Web Development with BANanoVuetifyAD3 Incwadi yamaBali (StoryBook) - Mashiane (first post)    Jun 06, 2022   (2 reactions) Also in our database, we add a new field named image. This will store the URL path for the image per resource. Let us convert our model to be a view, and then build the application. We then run to compile the generated application. We then perform CRUD functionality on the resources, selecting a ne B4A Question Save image links in the database and open them in a listview - Mahares (first post)    Sep 18, 2018 Hi @ronell
You really do not need to copy the images to any other folder. They can stay in the assets folder and do this to extract the image:
Dim bmp As Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"image.png")
or you can load them to the listview, unless of course he plans to modify the images. B4A Question I want to take a photo and save it in the database. Is there an example? - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Jan 23, 2019 It is not recommented to save images (blobs) in a database.
A better way:
save the name of the Image in the database or change the Name to a id, and take this Name or id to save the Image on the file System of the Server
If you want to get the Image, get the id or Name of the Image and download it Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |