B4J Code Snippet B4J Scrollpane example - PaulMeuris    Dec 18, 2024   (4 reactions) In this thread: AutoShowScrollbar in CustomListView a CustomListView is used to present a row of buttons or labels. As the CLV uses an internal Scrollpane you can also present the row of buttons using a Scrollpane and a buttons Pane. Here's how it could look like: 159607 The horizontal scrolling is B4A Tutorial ScrollView example with a Panel higher than the screen - klaus    Jul 11, 2017   (11 reactions) Attached you find an example with a ScrollView with a Panel higher than the screen. The layouts are designed in the Designer, not in the code. There are 2 layout files: - Main with the ScrollView. - ScrollViewLayout has one Panel higher than the screen, 7 Label views and 7 EditText views, the Pane B4i Question An example of ScrollView in b4i - tufanv (first post)    Mar 13, 2017   (1 reaction) They are not different. Both use scroll.panel.addview to add views. Only difference i can remember is for b4i we use scroll.contentheight and contentwidth instead of scroll.panel.width and scroll.panel.height. Italian [Risolto] [B4A] Label con vertical bar? - klaus (first post)    Feb 19, 2024   (2 reactions) If you are interested in ScrollView Examples look HERE. Se sei interessato agli esempi di ScrollView guarda QUI. B4A Question Scroll layout - klaus (first post)    Oct 31, 2020   (3 reactions) You may have a look at this example: ScrollView example with a Panel higher than the screen. B4A Code Snippet B4A Page scrolling in fullscreen mode using a scrollview - PaulMeuris    Jun 03, 2024   (7 reactions) In this little app example the screen is set in fullscreen mode and doesn't include a title. #Region Activity Attributes #FullScreen: True #IncludeTitle: False #End Region The layout contains a B4XSwitch, a CustomListView, a multiline edittext view and button. 154283 When the switch is off B4A Question ScrollView for numerous imageviews and labels - klaus (first post)    Apr 29, 2018   (3 reactions) Have a look here: ScrollView example with a Panel higher than the screen.
You may also have a look at: ScrollView examples summary.
Or you could use the xCustomListView Class. B4A Code Snippet ScrollView properties - klaus    Sep 08, 2017   (14 reactions) Subject: Routines to managing ScrollView properties. Sub: setVerticalScrollBarEnabled Description: Displays or hides the vertical ScrollBar of the ScrollView. 'displays or hides the VerticalScrollBar of the ScrollView Sub setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(v As View, Enabled As Boolean) Dim jo = v As B4i Question I need swipe event - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Aug 11, 2020   (1 reaction) As I understand, a scrollview holds some child elements (for example, ImageView) and user can drag them. The easiest solution is to add a panel, which will be a child of RootPanel with maximum z-order index (BringToFront) . B4A Library A vertical and horizontal scrollable Panel/Layout - Guenter Becker    Nov 13, 2023   (8 reactions) Version 1.1 / 2023 - UPDATED
Sometimes the layout size is bigger than your App window this rises the need to attach scrolling/swiping to the layout.
This CustomView solves this problem.
Show Layouts bigger than App Window by adding vertical and horizontal scrolling.
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