B4J Question SendKeys and Set Focus to another application - micro    Apr 7, 2014 another application and simulate pressing keys on a keyboard (like SendKeys)?
How can I get this feature... B4A Question SendKey in Webview - drgottjr (first post)    Feb 5, 2024 with confirm() in webview there are 2 buttons (OK and Cancel) and (optionally) a message, all you do is tap the OK or the Cancel butt... B4J Question SendKey error - micro    Dec 1, 2015 /constant-values.html#java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_COLON
In my program i use SendKey(513) for send ":"
(robot is JavaObject)
Sub SendKey(code As Int)
If shift Or maiuscolo Then robot... B4J Question [closed] found here:http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/sendkeys-and-set-focus-to-another-appli - Beja    Feb 9, 2015 Edit: closed.. found solution here:
I am putting my first steps in B4J and have a question.
Is it possible to sendkeys to another Windows application? (preferably :)) the whole string at once?
Thanks in advance.... B4A Question sendkey - marcomilazzo    Apr 18, 2012 Dear Sir
I need to simulate the click of on hardware button
In my sw i call an external program and some times i need to press the esc button
how can i do this?
best regards
marco milazzo... B4J Question SendKeys - Daestrum (first post)    Dec 3, 2018 As @Roycefer said try TCP, as UDP packets can arrive in any order and can be completely dropped, whe... B4A Question SendKey (dial number) to auto-answering machine voip - Erel (first post)    Apr 4, 2016 It is not possible. I think that your best option is to actually play the tones with MediaPlayer or ... B4A Question About SendMessage and SendKeys - Erel (first post)    Dec 3, 2015   (1 reaction) There is no equivalent API in Android. You cannot send key presses to other apps.... B4A Library SendInput - Emulate user input within your app - Jim Brown    Jun 7, 2018   (24 reactions) .SendKeys("Hello")
' Send a touch tap to absolute coordinate 300,200
si.SendTap(300,200... B4J Question Error in send key - omidaghakhani1368    Mar 18, 2015 Hi. I write below code to send key of string "omid" But when i run it,send key not omid string Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String) Dim s1 As String = "omid" For i = 0 To s1.Length - 1 SendKey(Asc(s1.CharAt(i))) Next End Sub Sub SendKey(code As Int) robot.RunMethod("keyPress", Array As Object(code)) Sleep(100) robot.RunMethod("keyRelease", Array As Object(code)) End Sub... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |