B4J Library [DSE] Shapes - Shape Nodes - stevel05    Sep 26, 2022   (13 reactions) This class contains designer extension script methods based on the snippets I previously posted with some enhancements that make it too complex to post as snippets.
You should now be able to shape and rotate any node, text alignment is currently handled for Button, Label, Radiobutton and Checkbox. B4J Code Snippet {DSE] Button Shapes - stevel05    Sep 25, 2022   (14 reactions) ThetaInc , -cPI / 2)
Dim X,Y As Double
For j = 0 To N - 1
X = W / 2 + R * Cos(Theta)
Y = H / 2 + R * Sin(Theta)
Path(j * 2) = X
Path(j * 2 + 1) = Y
Theta = Theta + ThetaInc
Games Some notes to better understand the XUI2D examples - fredo    Sep 01, 2019   (35 reactions) The job of the shape is to keep track of all the necessary collision geometry attached to a Body. A shape also has several important properties that affect the Body’s motion: There is density, which ultimately determines that Body’s mass. Shapes also have friction and restitution (“bounciness”) wh Games Polyline in X2 - ilan (first post)    Oct 06, 2023 A shape can be a circle or a polygon. Let's set up a circle shape... 1 2 3 b2CircleShape circleShape; circleShape.m_p.Set(0, 0); //position, relative to body position circleShape.m_radius = 1; //radius 146640 m_p.Set is missing?? B4J Tutorial [B4X]Turning Miscellaneous Image Shapes into Buttons - William Lancee    May 05, 2022   (10 reactions) GetColor(ev.X, ev.Y) 'the shape id # is encoded in the color of the shape in the BitmapCreator object
Select index
Case 1: xui.MsgboxAsync("You clicked on the orange flower - right bottom", "")
Case 2: xui.MsgboxAsync("You clicked on the red flower - right top" B4A Library ShapeDrawable - Clipped rounded rectangle and circle shape - Biswajit    May 11, 2020   (11 reactions) Shape A shape that can be used as a ShapeDrawable or for drawing purpose. Functions: canClip As Boolean Returns whether the shape will clip the View. Currently, only a rectangle, circle, or round rect support clipping. CreateArcShape (startAngle As Float, sweepAngle As Float) startAngle: the angl Other Subscribe to B4J library updates - stevel05 (first post)    Sep 25, 2022   (1 reaction) Shapes - Shape Nodes Shape and rotate nodes from the designer script. B4A Question Shape the Button - Erel (first post)    May 03, 2022   (3 reactions) Creating a round button is simple. You can do it with the designer by setting the corner radius value. B4A Library ShapePoints - OGmac    Jul 31, 2020   (11 reactions) This library uses OpenCV 3.x library to identify the shapes in the photo and provide you with the coordinates of the points of each shape. Thanks to JordiCP ShapePoints Author: OgMac Version: 1.00 ShapePoints Functions: Initialize(PicPath As String, OpenCVPath As String, threshold B4A Class Open Street Map viewer - GPS - spsp (first post)    Mar 04, 2021   (7 reactions) B4XMap V3
What's new :
- Shapes : You can add shapes (circle, line, polygon) on the map
- Image : You can add images to a map
- Follow GPS (B4A) : The map is automatically centered and oriented with the GPS position
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