B4A Library [B4X] B4XDrawer - sliding drawer - Erel    
Dec 08, 2020   
(65 reactions)Edit: Cross platform example based on B4XPages https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xpages-b4xdrawer.120246/
A class that implements a sliding menu. Unlike the nice jfeinstein SlidingMenu library
link: Hello @Erel,
Do you remember THIS POST from me last month?
Well I created myself a new sliding menu library that works a bit like your menu above. I a
link: Hello Erel,
This update isn't running smoothly for me and I'm using your example code in V1.04 with no changes as yet for the animated burger.
With t
link: Example with transparent status bar:
B4A Question How to make advance menu - asales (first post)    
Jun 30, 2023   
(1 reaction)Your code is wrong.
If you want to made a sliding menu, check this posts:
link: I am trying to make advance menu (sliding menu).I have refer below link but when run the application its shows an error message as
B4A Library Side swipe sliding menu library - Peter Simpson    
Jun 08, 2015   
(17 reactions)Hello everybody,
Here we have my second library, I created this library for a project that I'm working on, I've previously used this menu(in a class) on other clients bespoke apps. I've learnt a lot from other forum members, so hopefully you will like my little sliding menu.
Just swipe your finger
link: Hello Peter
I like your Sliding Menu library. Did you ever find the time to add the method to show sliding menu (MenuShow)? Now it's only MenuHide.
link: Hi Peter...
First of all thx for sharing this great library...
The method SlidingMenu.MenuHide hide (with animation the menu)
there exist a Sliding
link: Hello Peter, thanks for this library. Just want to ask if it's possible to highlight the items when mouse hovers? I'm using odroid device with mouse.
B4A Question Sliding menu - jessicalal (first post)    
Oct 24, 2023Thank you so much this is what I need
link: Can I have silde menu for b4a coding and interface user my work is is to develop mobile recipe book application
link: Maybe this
I don't really understand the question
B4A Question sliding menu from bottom - Alexander Stolte (first post)    
Apr 14, 2021   
(1 reaction)https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-draggable-bottom-card.121219/#content
link: how can i make a sliding menu from bottom to top in b4a like thing that we do with Ahnavigation right to left or Conversely؟
link: (Best to use B4XDrawer for a sliding drawer)
Not a full draggable drawer but can be useful: https://www.b4x.-popup-drawer.111706/post-696670
B4A Question Sliding menu - Erel (first post)    
May 13, 2020   
(1 reaction)If I remember correctly this is how the deprecated SlidingMenu library behaves: https://www.b4x.-slidingmenu-library.36482/
Try it.
link: Thank you @Erel
But you don't recommend it
The open source project is no longer maintained and there are compatibility issues with newer versions of
link: hi :)
I want to create a SlidingMenu that is not displayed on the screen. That is, it is displayed next to the screen. Just like Instagram
link: I used the library you introduced, but it gave an error :(
main_activity_create (java line: 347)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of
B4A Question humberger menu (sliding menu) not working in android device - junaidahmed (first post)    
Jul 02, 2023''
Thanks for reply...
it works fine,but i need example code for "Sliding with animated burger" as per above link.
please help
link: Your code sample as supplied does not run (on my device) because it is missing some of the AppCompat components. I see from your other posts that you
link: I am trying to make humberger menu (sliding menu) using B4xDrawerlibary.i have download sample from below link.but this apps is not working in my devi
link: Thanks for reply...
Its works fine after re-install of B4A.
can you please share the example code for "Sliding drawer with animated burger with mater
B4A Tutorial Material Design 4 - Modifyable and advanced Menu - Peter Simpson (first post)    
Jul 16, 2015   
(1 reaction)You can create a sliding menu yourself in just five lines, okay this I have to see, show me that code @arminkh...
link: Do we have a sample for the animated UP Indicator/Menu Icon + sliding menu?..
B4A Question Conflict between IME and NavDrawer - Alex Guerrero (first post)    
May 24, 2018   
(2 reactions)Thanks @Erel by the recommendation, i created a sliding menu a similar example to NavDrawer, it is quite rudimentary but functional. i attach an example.
link: I recommend you to use this library: https://www.b4x.-slidingmenu-library.36482/#content
You can customize the side menu in any way you want.
B4A Question Error - Update new version B4A v10.7 - Erel (first post)    
Apr 21, 2021The deprecated sliding menu library should be jetified. Better to switch to B4XDrawer.
link: May I know what is missing?
ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: ;
at com.jeremyfeinstein.slidingmenu.lib.CustomViewAbove.initC
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