B4A Library SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition - Biswajit Sep 27, 2023 (52 reactions) Call startListening to start listening.
predefinedWords: Add some predefined words/phrase as JSON string. Can be blank.
Resets microphone recognizer in a thread, starts microphone recognition over again
Shutdown the microphone recognizer and release the recorder.
Call this on activi B4A Example Offline Continuous Speech Recognition - stevel05 Aug 28, 2024 (16 reactions) Download and unzip the library file and copy it to your additional libraries folder.
The project is located on my Google Drive as, with the dictionaries, it is too large (about 10 MB) to upload to the forum you can download it here : SpeechRecognizerContinuous
It's a bit confusing to download if B4A Library SpeechRecognitionNoUI - Google Speech Recognition Without Popup - Biswajit Oct 05, 2021 (33 reactions) (Check example)
Initialize (eventname As String, callback As Object) As Boolean
IsInitialized As Boolean
IsRecognitionAvailable As Boolean
Check if Speech Recognition is available or not
StartListening (LANGUAGE As String, PARTIAL_RESULTS As Boolean, PREFER_OFFLINE As Boolean) As String
Start list B4J Library [NLP] OpenNLP - Text analysis - Erel Sep 01, 2021 (23 reactions) https://www.b4x..gif NLP (Natural Language Processing) is a complex task. In the past it was only accessible to data scientists and linguistics experts, however with the rising popularity of machine learning it is now accessible to all developers, with enough time and energy. This is still not a si B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - Biswajit (first post) Nov 06, 2022 (7 reactions) SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition
Version 1.4:
Fixed the app crashing issue while calling shutdown without starting the recognizer Share My Creation Talk To The Hand (The Final Frontier) - drgottjr Oct 20, 2022 (4 reactions) So, here is Mi Dica III To review: Mi Dica was a half-duplex voice translation app using Google's Speech Service, MLKit's on-device translation and Android's TTS engine. I speak in my language, what I say is translated into and spoken in your language. Flip a switch; you speak in your language, and B4A Class Android Speech Recognition API Wrapper - Cesaral (first post) Jan 25, 2023 (1 reaction) Here is a big part of the code of my class. I just removed the part which is specific to my own App:
Sub Class_Globals
Private JO As JavaObject
Private RecognizerIntent As Intent
Private Initialized As Boolean=False
End sub
Public Sub Initialize(Act As Activity, centrar As Int, CadS B4A Question CRGoogVR-Library, Google Voice Recog w/ source - canalrun (first post) Jul 13, 2017 (1 reaction) Thanks for giving it a try.
I'm definitely no library expert, but I have a feeling the root of the error lies in: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: android.speech.SpeechRecognizer$Connection@d2cbb3f
When the application starts it tries to initialize the Google Speech Reco Wish Snowboy: a hotword detection engine - Multiverse app (first post) Oct 06, 2019 Yes, you have to use snowboy with speech recognizer.
please have a look at the the video in the First post if you have not already. The goal here is to keep the microphones active, so as to recognize just a particular set of words. This is different from how a speech recognition or pocketsphinx Share My Creation Talk To The Hand (Redux) - drgottjr Oct 15, 2022 (6 reactions) But since Vosk's offline model as about 5% the size of its full model, I was amazed that anything was captured, even if it occasionally took several attempts. With Google's system, in addition to its being much simpler to change languages on the fly, any model updates and improvements are automati Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Powered by ColBERT |