B4J Code Snippet MySQL Negative Dates - Long DateTime (such as Birthdays) problem - Harris    Jan 21, 2022 There's one big problem with MySQL: MySQL cannot convert negative epoch timestamps (long values) (dates before 1-1-1970). This creates problems with for example birthdates. But there are workarounds. This is my workaround - and it shows the proper birthdate when that date is less than 1970... " date_format((DATE_ADD(FROM_UNIXTIME(0), interval club_member.dob / 1000 second)),'%Y... to explain the issue... I don't really understand it, but it works. I hope some smart SQL... B4A Question SQL Date Selection - Pelky (first post)    Jan 18, 2024 Thank you Chris. I realise where I have gone wrong so beside using a large booted foot to kick myse... B4A Code Snippet [SQL] Convert DateTimeString "dd.mm.YYYY HH:MM" to Android DateTimeLongValue - fredo    May 10, 2019   (4 reactions) Code to convert a given DateTimeString in "dd.mm.YYYY HH:MM" format within an SQLite statement to an Android LongValue in ms. strftime('%s', substr(estart,7,4)||'-'||substr(estart,4,2)||'-'||substr(estart,1,2)||' '||substr(estart,12,5), 'utc') *1000 AS xLongValueFromGivenDateString While B4X provides sufficient DateTime functions for use in B4X code, it may be necessary to convert externally generated timestamps to the Android format... B4J Question [Solved] MySQL DATE datatype leads to wrong date? - udg    Jan 20, 2017 Hi all,
today I observed a surprising event.
A field in a MySQL DB is set as DATE datatype. If...-dd"
Dim ddn As String = DateTime.Date(NUser.Get("ddn"))
Dim sql1 As SQL = pool... B4J Question String toSQL DateTime formatDim Unit As String Dim Weight, Height, Target, BMI, BMIa, BMIb As Int Dim Hft, Hin, Wst, Wlbs, Tst, Tlb As Int Unit = s - aeric (first post)    Jul 27, 2020
I believe it's something to do with the 'bind_param("sss"' because I changed ... B4A Question [RESOLVED] jdbcSQL date Value '0000-00-00' can not be represented - sigster (first post)    Jul 3, 2020 Thanks
this works... B4J Question Issue retrieving SQL Server DateTime2 column at change of clocks (GMT to BST) - Chris2 (first post)    Apr 6, 2022
You may find a solution to your query problem at SQL Server JDBC Driver Date/Timezone Related... with access to SQL Server to confirm/verify the issue.... B4J Question MySQL Date conversion - Adrian Trantino (first post)    Jul 31, 2018
DateTime.DateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Dim MySqlDate As String=DateTime.Date(Value)
End Sub
Worked a treat thanks again :-)... B4J Question jRDC2, retrieve SQL Server DateTime2 as UTC - OliverA (first post)    Apr 3, 2021   (1 reaction)
Dim SQLTime As JavaObject = jrs.RunMethodJO(DateTimeMethods.Get(ct), Array(i + 1, tz.RunMethod... method, forcing it to calculate the incoming (from the DB) date as UTC. I'm glad you figured out my... B4A Question How to format a sql-server date column with jSql library - khaleel (first post)    Dec 19, 2016 Great !!
this will do the job.
thank you , KMatle.... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   |