Share My Creation Csv to SQLite program - klaus    Apr 24, 2023   (42 reactions) I left also the previous version zip file.
EDIT: 2021.09.18
Added the use of SQLite transaction, suggested by Diceman in post #6.
EDIT: 2021.01.29
Added an exe file:
You need to unzip it to get the exe file.
Unfortunately the exe file is not accepted by my McAfee anti virus prog Share My Creation Financial Mobile App (SQLite) - Abdull Cadre    Jul 24, 2024   (9 reactions) Financial Mobile App
Just $10.9 - Paypal:
Financial Mobile App is a mobile application developed in B4X for Android that allows users to create and manage financial cards. With this app, users can create cards, manage transactions, and customize profile settings and cur B4A Question SQL operations in service, with transaction. The result: database is locked (code 5) - Jeffrey Cameron (first post)    Jul 09, 2024   (1 reaction) Sqlite isn't designed to be a multi-user/thread database. You might try moving your begin transaction statement down to where you actually start writing and see if that helps.
To avoid issues like this I generally I have a single SqliteManager class that handles all of the I/O requests sequential B4J Tutorial jServer & SQLite [Multiple Request Stress Test] - tchart    Mar 20, 2022   (25 reactions) H2 Embedded Mode
UPDATE 2022-03-02
@Erel has confirmed there is a limitation with the Xerial JDBC driver that means it will only process queries in series when using a single shared connection.
It may be useful to read this thread; https://www.b4x.-execution-with-jserver-and-sqlite.138803/ B4J Question SQLite Transaction - ThRuST    Jan 23, 2019 WHERE id=?",Array As Object(myString1, 1))
SQLiteCon.ExecNonQuery2("UPDATE myTable SET myRecord=? WHERE id=?",Array As Object(myString2, 2))
' Load from SQLite database
Dim myVariable As String
Dim RS1 As ResultSet = SQLiteCon.ExecQuery("SELECT myRecord FROM myTable B4J Tutorial [WebApp] Concurrent access to SQLite databases - Erel    Nov 21, 2021   (14 reactions) SQLite databases are very easy to use as they don't require any additional software or configuration. SQLite support for concurrent access is not comparable to server based databases such as MySQL and others. However they can still be perfect for small / medium solutions, especially if there aren't B4J Question The problem that multiple user on the web server store data in the database at the same time! - tchart (first post)    Nov 04, 2022   (2 reactions) As @EnriqueGonzalez said there are many discussions on the forum regarding using SQLite.
There is nothing wrong with SQLite. There is no reason to have to install/configure/maintain a full relational database, it is another piece of software you have to maintain. If you dont believe me read the thr B4J Question Reading in large amounts of data in DB - PCastagnetti (first post)    Jun 28, 2017   (2 reactions) Did you use the transactions?
The use of transactions increases performance (in sqlite DB).
''Start insert loop
SQL.ExecNonQuery("your insert into.....")
''End insert loop
SQL.TransactionSuccessful B4A Question sqLite Database PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE) fails - Erel (first post)    Sep 06, 2020   (1 reaction) Sounds to me that you are making things much more complicated than they need to be.
Why it is important?
SQL.TransactionSuccessful commits the transaction.
The project is too large for me to help you. If you think that there is an issue then create small project that demonstrates it. Do remember B4A Question CustomListView - Transaction too large crash when going to pause. - DonManfred (first post)    Oct 23, 2019   (1 reaction) if you are updating the values in the Sqlite DB one by one i would suggest to create smaller transactions. maybe 50-100 at once.
go over the list and put the updatesql in a batch until the batch has a size of 50 (or 100). Send the batch and wait for finish of the batch.
Fill another batch with the Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |