B4A Class ExternalStorage - Access SD cards and USB sticks - Erel    Nov 11, 2020   (61 reactions)   tags: File, Access SD and USB, externsl sd, storage https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2018-03-05_11.16.42.png Before we start: External storage means a real sd card or a connected mass storage USB device. This class can also be used to access the secondary storage (File.DirRootExternal). This becomes relevant with newer versions of Android that restrict direct access. It has nothing to do with runtime permissions. You can use RuntimePermissions.GetAllSafeDirsExternal to directly access a specific folder on the SD card. You can use... B4A Library UsbSerial library 2.0 - supports more devices - agraham    Oct 25, 2024   (22 reactions) This is an expanded version of the original UsbSerial library. It has added support for Prolific PL2303 USB to serial converters, Android ADK devices and USB permissions. All devices use the same... prefix mode is not supported. The library is based on the same open source project Android USB host serial driver library as the existing UsbSerial library but no longer needs a separate jar file... the original UsbSerial library are : UsbPresent, HasPermission and RequestPermission are added to... B4A Library felUsbSerial - Alternative Usb Serial library - Erel    Mar 26, 2019   (23 reactions) This library wraps the following open source project: https://github.com/felHR85/UsbSerial (MIT license). It is an alternative to the UsbSerial2 library. The following devices are supported: CP210x, CDC, FTDI, PL2303 and CH34x. Usage is simple. You find the UsbDevice with USB library and then initialize felUsbSerial, configure it and start reading. Sub Process_Globals Private usbserial As felUsbSerial Private manager As UsbManager Private bc As ByteConverter End Sub Sub Globals... B4A Library SD EscPos Printer (Lan,USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE) - Star-Dust    Aug 21, 2024   (19 reactions) different communication channels (USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE, LAN)
you can download the ble3 library from... version, such as LAN, USB, NFC please contact me privately.
Bluetooth SPP
BLE (Beacon)
USB... SendBufferToPrinter
after setSpacing command calls SendBufferToPrinter
Events... B4A Code Snippet Get Free USB mass storage space - Blueforcer    Apr 19, 2024   (6 reactions) This prints all informations about the attached USB storage. AddPermission(android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) AddReceiverText(USBService, <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED" /> <data android:scheme="file"/> </intent-filter>) Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent) If(StartingIntent.Action = "android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED") Then Log("Media mounted:"... B4A Code Snippet Log to USB [Root] - Blueforcer    Mar 13, 2024 The `Log2USB` function is designed to facilitate logging within Android applications by writing log entries to a text file (`SystemLog.txt`) located on the first accessible USB drive without.... - The function scans the `/mnt/media_rw/` directory to find available USB drives. - Upon identifying an available USB drive, it constructs a timestamped log entry using the current date and time... a file named `SystemLog.txt` on the root of the first found USB drive. - The function utilizes root... B4A Question USB to serial log string - jimseng    May 24, 2016 Hello In my B4R program I log various bits of information to send back to the host device. On my PC the messages are in one block. On my Android device they seem to come in chunks: ToastMessageShow( bc.StringFromBytes(Buffer,"UTF8"),False) The string "hello" comes as two messages "hell" and o. Why is this? Do I need to use stringbuilder in my Android app and explici... B4A Tutorial Android Usb Host Tutorial - AdbTest - Erel    Sep 4, 2011   (8 reactions) Android 3.1 and above devices support Usb host mode. With this feature you can connect to regular client usb devices. Some devices are automatically recognized by the OS and are simple to work... with a Usb cable. The host device reads the client device logs. This is done by implementing one feature of Adb debugging, similar to the Usb debugging driver. http://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images.../basic4android/images/usbhost_1.png As the Usb host features are only available starting with Android 3... Italian [B4A] Help trasferire un file da android a pc tramite cavo usb - Xfood    Oct 13, 2021 Buongiorno Ragazzi, ho la necessita' di poter trasferire un file da android tramite un'app B4A a PC via cavo USB collegato al pc Abbiamo un esempio di come fare? Grazie Mille a tutti... B4A Question [Solved] Error - 'Caused by: java.io.EOFException' When using USB Debug mode - MrKim    Mar 4, 2021 Just thought I would mention, I was getting the above error using USB to connect rather than wireless and the answer was HERE The solution is to remove ALL breakpoints before running. I prefer USB debugging sometimes because it doesn't ask me if I want to install an update and doesn't ask me if I want to run the program, it just runs.... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |