B4A Tutorial ABWearOS Library 1.0 - alwaysbusy    Apr 05, 2019   (23 reactions) In the Activity_Create (or Service_Create) initialize them:
In Activity_Resume (or Service_Start) you do the connect:
In Activity_Pause (or Service_Destroy) you disconnect:
Inbetween you can do all kind of st Share My Creation Developing for Wear OS - Dave G    Oct 24, 2020   (9 reactions) I've created an application that runs on Android, Wear OS, and iOS. My goal for Wear OS was to provide a User Interface that accounts for small screen and not so small fingers. To that end I used staggered buttons that all the user to click on end of button with no button above of below.
a B4A Question Program smart watches - Sagenut (first post)    May 15, 2024   (3 reactions) There are smartwatch based on Wear OS. But other aren't. Samsung should be based on their Tizen or something similar. TicWatch from Mobvoi instead should be Wear OS. *** EDIT *** Reading HERE it looks like even Samsung use Wear OS. Maybe it's worth to check carefully per model. Tool B4A Sdk Manager updates - Erel (first post)    May 06, 2019   (3 reactions) - V3.35 - Fixes an issue with Wear OS devices.
Steps to create a wear OS device:
1. Search for: 26
2. Install Android SDK Platform 26
3. Install Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
AVD Manager:
4. Screen Size - Wear OS
5. Platform - Platform 26 (android-wear, x86) B4A Library Wearable DataLayer - barx    Jan 28, 2015   (17 reactions) What is it?
Not so recently a new branch of the Android platform was released for wearables (Watches and things) know simply as Android Wear. Wearables running Android Wear are made to be an extension for your existing mobile Android device. They bring notifications and app information / interaction German NB6 Nachricht an Wear? - DonManfred (first post)    May 18, 2021 NB6, NotificationBuilder-Klasse. Keins davon hat etwas mit Datentransport zu tun.
Eine Notification kann nur von einer App auf dem Gerät erstellt werden.
Du brauchst also eine Wearable-Library um auf dem Gerät überhaupt etwas tun zu können.
Keine Ahnung jedoch ob die vorhandene Warable-lib aktuell Share My Creation wear dashboard - Mr Blue Sky    Jun 29, 2024   (10 reactions) 155008 This script was written to demonstrate Bluetooth Low Energy connection from a WearOS watch with the AEON electronic interface or with PC simulation software. It is intended to provide useful information for the development of various online graphics applications for the AEON product. dashboar B4A Tutorial Android Wear Install App via Bluetooth - Alexander Stolte    Nov 05, 2018   (6 reactions) Hello, i see here, that many people have problems to install there wear app to his watches.
I list the steps that are needed so that you can quickly look up when you need it.
-install the "Google Wear" App for Android
-connect your watch with the app
-go to "Advance Settings"
-enable "Debugg B4A Library WatchFace Library - Peter Simpson (first post)    Nov 28, 2017   (3 reactions) Hello All,
I created an Android Wear watch face and then decided to add a user configuration parameters screen (settings screen). Android Wear supplies an easy way for your users to open an activity which would be for example your watch face settings screen, just hold your finger on your watch face B4A Question Wear 2.0 development - msmerce (first post)    Dec 26, 2020   (1 reaction) If your question is still relevant, you can avoid the error by commenting out the following two lines from the manifest:
AddReplacement(<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />, )
AddReplacement(<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />, ) Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |