B4A Question Images loaded in webviews are not displayed in mode “debug (rapid)” B4A 3.50 version - bgsoft    Mar 18, 2014 In the new Basic4Android 3.50 version, I realised that images loaded in webviews are not displayed in mode “debug (rapid)”. In other modes, as “debug (legacy)” and “release” are shown normally. There is a simple example to check this: Sub Globals Dim WebV As WebView End Sub Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime AsBoolean) Activity.LoadLayout("Layout1") WebV.Initialize("WebV") Activity.AddView(WebV, 0dip, 0dip, 100%x, 100%y) WebV.LoadHtml("<html>... B4A Code Snippet Upload files with WebView - Erel    Jun 9, 2022   (15 reactions)   tags: Upload files with WebView, Webserver Code requires Android 5+ 1. Set a custom WebViewChromeClient. It is implemented with inline Java code. 2. The ShowFile_Chooser event is raised when the user clicks on a "browse" button. 3. You need to get the file URI with FileProvider and call SendResult. Example based on ContentChooser. Sub ShowFile_Chooser (FilePathCallback As Object, FileChooserParams As Object) cc.Initialize(... B4A Tutorial [B4X] WebView + CKEditor (rich text editor) - Erel    Oct 20, 2022   (15 reactions) 117571 This is a cross platform example that adds CKEditor rich text editor using WebView: https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-5/ Make sure to read CKEditor licensing and pricing: https://ckeditor.com...(WebView1, $"B4A.CallSub('Process_HTML', true, ${js})"$) Wait For Process_Html(html As String) Return html #Else If B4J Return WebView1.As(JavaObject).RunMethodJO... As Object = WebView1.EvaluateJavaScript(js) Wait For (sf) WebView1_JSComplete (Success As Boolean... B4A Question Download files from WebView (local storage) - max123    Jul 10, 2024   (1 reaction) things, the question here is just one, how to download a file from a WebView, how to handle it so when... There is a WebView, when I press the TabHost page2 the HTML file is saved to DirRootInternal, then loaded inside a WebView where the 3D scene is rendered. To be more precise I recreated the threejs... AllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(wv As WebView) Dim jo As JavaObject = wv Dim settings... the root where HTML file is, but I need to manage a WebView to do downloads. I've tried in a lots... B4A Code Snippet [B4X] Use WebView to show large images - Erel    Sep 4, 2021   (19 reactions) Better to use: HugeImageView - show very large images Depends on: XUI and JavaObject. 'xui is a global XUI object. Private Sub ShowImage(WV As WebView, Dir As String, FileName As String) #if B4A Dim jo As JavaObject = Me jo.InitializeContext 'comment this line if calling this code from class jo.RunMethod("zoom", Array(WV)) #End If If xui.IsB4J Then...)) End If End If End Sub #if B4A #if Java public void zoom(android.webkit.WebView wv... B4A Question WebRtc and WebView - Marcos Alves    Oct 23, 2018 Hello all, this thread was suggested by @Erel , after fixed a https problem in a webview in this https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/problem-with-https-and-webview.98535/#post-620911....com/demos/Video-Conferencing.html ... in a webview. But when clicking the "open room" button in the webview there is no result, besides this woks fine in smartphone browser. I thought that WebView behavior was something similar to a embedded browser in an app, but it looks... B4A Question Persist webview through orientation change - barx    Feb 5, 2014 Is there a way in b4a to persist a webview when the orientation is changed? We can obviously get the url and reload it, but what if the user has entered some data and then decides to rotate. All is lost. Searching on net shows the use of manifest edit android:configChanges... outState) { webView.saveState(outState); } and public void onCreate(final Bundle... (savedInstanceState != null) ((WebView)findViewById(R.id.webview)).restoreState(savedInstanceState... Other Java 9 and WebView (and GoogleMaps) - Erel    Oct 24, 2017   (8 reactions) There is an issue with the first version of Java 9 that causes WebView to not show anything unless the WebView is created after the form is shown. The workaround is simple, make sure to show the form before you load the layout.... B4A Question Change WebView UserAgent - agraham    Feb 26, 2023 I'm no good at webby stuff - I have a longstanding mental block about it. I want to display Bing maps in a WebView but I want it to have a desktop useragent. No Google Maps will not do because only Bing maps has online access to the jealously guarded Ordnance Survey 50K and 25K mapping for the UK. However these are only allowed for a desktop browser. I can see the OS maps in Edge on the device as Edge has an option to switch to desktop mode. I can open Bing maps in a WebView OK... B4A Question Pass more than 3 arguments from B4A to WebView Javascript function - max123    May 31, 2024 , I started from here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-using-three-js-webgl-in-a-webview... realtime, and other that collect a full HTML string then send it to a WebView. - in the first Tab... a webview, this code is then added to an HTML template that import three.js and orbitcontrols.js. In... tag. - in the second tab I put a WebView in fullscreen, when I press the Tab the app pack all HTML string with Javascript too and load it in the WebView, this work very well and just by changing the JS... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |